Tuesday, September 15, 2020


This is a photo the second-oldest took of the skyline in Vancouver, all bright yellow and orange from the wildfires in the US drifting over here( and yesterday even we had noticable haze all the way in Ontario and the weather guys on the news said that's what it was) and all their trains were cancelled due to the smoke and people were even advised to stay indoors due to the poor air quality due to the smoke! Holy shit! That's bad! We have friends in California,too, but luckily they're not in the fire zone although they can smell the smoke. The red skies I see on the news in California, Washington and Oregon remind me of the Bible's warning of the Last Days in the Book Of Revelation too where it mentioned about how the ...skies will turn red.... it's very apocalyptic and is surely a sign that God's people clearly recognize but that deniers will excuse away. It also reminds me of those futuristic Mad Max movies in the 80's that were supposed to actually be in the 2000 years, where we are now, which is also kind of fore-telling and chilling. 

I saw a Muslim online too saying he doesn't get it why Hindus "have a problem" with "polygamy and beating women" in Islam but I can see why they'd have issues with that; I'd have a problem with that,too, and I realize that you'll never find any religion where you're going to agree with 100%; there's always going to be some  things you don't agree with, because religion is man-made and humans by nature are flawed, and are full of so many do's and don't's and so much scrutiny, expectations, rules, judgement, etc. but faith is your own personal  relationship with God and I think as long as you have that and follow the basic concepts of the Ten Commandments (which is the moral compass for humanity and living) and you are ethical,honest, and decent you should be ok. I had this revelation too that I would live to see the Last Days  but die before the Great Tribulation  and I'm ok with that, and, in fact, I really don't  want to be  here in this time now anyway with all this "pandemic" craziness and emerging new World Order  and paranoia and everyone's freedoms being taken away while everyone just complies and lets it happen without even putting up a fight,

I took this adorable photo of My Boy yesterday. it's just so cute. I heard the 17 YR old talking about someone at work put their dog 'down" and I could never do that to Buddy. I couldn't live with myself. I could never kill my best friend and to think of the last look of sad betrayal in his eyes he'd give me....I couldn't do it. The guilt would just destroy me and besides, it's not up to me to decide when someone dies; it's up to God. My job is to be here with him right up to the end and to keep him comfortable, happy and loved but I hope and pray that I die first(or that we both die at the same time) as it'll be losing my soul-mate and I'll have no one to love me back. He is my whole world and we're a team and I'll be so lost, empty, and shattered. My heart would just utterly break. Losing him to me would be just as painful as losing one of my kids.I prayed to God to send someone to love me and He answered my prayer; He sent me Buddy but now I can't let go of him, I can't give him up, I can't let go, I can't lose him; I'm not ready to let him go. The 25 YR old also denied it when I mentioned about the 13 YR old being a genius, even though he is  and is now doing highschool work and has memorized over 75 digits of Pi and is easily the smartest in the family, even smarter than my hubby, who claims he's a MENSA member,  and he shrugs he's just average but I guess it would be hard to admit your little brother is smater than all of us, esp. when the kid's only 13, but I knew it ever since he was 2, and after having 11 kids and homeschooling I could tell, and it was glaringly obvious.

The other day I also saw a video of someone getting a dreadlock weave and the original hair was as short as mine( buzzed) and they shaved the top part of the head and actually glued it on and put the dreads on like gluing down carpeting and it gave me hope: I've always wanted dreads; I absolutely LOVE  them but always thought you had to grow your hair out long and make them which would take years; I never knew this was possible artificially , and I'd love to get grey dreads(like pictured here) to blend in with my natural hair colour(esp. as it grows out)which would prefectly express my inner  old Rasta hippie and free-spirit so I'll have to look into it and see where I can get it done and the cost etc. It's exciting to think about it and people go on about cultural appropriation but I'd be doing it out of respect; because I love and admire  them and think they're beautiful, awesome and cool; not making fun of it(it's NOT like I'm wearing black-face or something!) and I've seen other White people wear them and I've seen Black people with blonde hair,too, so what's the difference? Do what you like  and whatever makes you happy, right? The guy with the black dog also told me that 9 trees in this area were rotted and had to be cut down,too, so I wonder if there's some sort of tree virus going around or if they're all just old and dying at the same time,  and yesterday for the first time in I don't know how long I didn't have any abdomenal pain....but twice my colon did  emit this almighty groan; I've never heard anything like it before; it was like a thundering roar from the depths of the Earth, so maybe something was twisted or blocked and it just sorted itself out....or maybe I just got "lucky"? I also had sore achy ears or jaw( not sure which as it's where they connect) and today it was 4 C when I took Buddy out for his walk; I could see my breath and even he had to wear his little sweater and kept trying to "shake" the cold off but at least there were plenty of wet leaves on the ground now for me to wipe his ass; pre-moistened butt-wipes!


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Today I received a parcel from my hubby's work with this glass ornament (shown above here)in it along with a note sending their condolen...