Monday, September 14, 2020

Last Days?

I truly believe we are now in the Last Days, the End Times as prophesized in the Bible, in the Book Of Revelation as the signs are all clearly here, such as increase in wars, violence, hate, unusual and extreme weather patterns and natural disasters, etc. and with the state of the world it's not very hard to see all the violence , hate and war, but also the unusual and increased natural disasters, particularly hurricanes , floods,and wildfires, and also snow, such as in places like Israel and Australia where it doesn't usually snow, most certainly unusual, and the hurricanes, floods and wildfires unprecedented in the way of severity and devastation, the worst they've ever been in history, not to mention the Coronavirus pandemic and resulting martial law style lockdowns and emerging New World Order , which also may or may not be a plague and punishment sent by God.....all the warning signs are clearly there, indicating that the time is near for the Messiah's imminemt return, yet people are blind to seeing it or accepting it and blame it on other things such as climate change etc not wanting to face the truth of what it really  is because Judgement Day is near. My hubby and 17 YR old, for example mock and ridicule me whenever I mention it and she even sneers, Are you serious? Where do you come up with this stuff? but it's all there in the Bible and it's being fulfilled now; you just have to look and see and be aware of what's happeneing all around you, and whenever people like me mention it we get derided and branded as crazy.....but remember: people mocked Noah,too.....

I also came to the realization that faith isn't a matter of rule-keeping either but it's about having a relationship with God and I heard somewhere the other day that at the moment of death when your soul leaves your body it only takes less than 3 minutes for it to enter the spirit world as it's not as much by distance but rather entering another dimension  and someone said the soul is located just above the navel too whereas I always thought it was behind the heart, and yesterday(today too) I was so overwhelmingly tired and it was a dull rainy day I pretty much just slept  most of the day away and waves of tiredness and fatigue would just come over me and I'd have 2-3 hour naps at a time and today too and it just felt sooo good and the other day my jaw and chin kept uncontrollably trembling and shaking too it made my teeth chatter, and oddly my hubby has been nicer to me lately too and even picked up a book for me I've been looking for, making me suspicious wondering what he might be up to....

The second-oldest and 19 YR old in BC also said they can see smoke from the California wildfires in Vancouver as well,  and the 17 YR old saving up $$$ for Christmas presents (I don't even want to think  about Christmas and winter yet; I have trouble still trying to accept summer is over!)  bemoaned how Everything's so expensive Santa won't be the only  one working the Pole this year! and I wasn't even sure I heard what I thought I heard and I was like, Whaat? What did you say?  and my mother used to like  my scented diffuser too until she found out that my hubby doesn't so now she doesn't either, siding with him as always, ganging-up on me so now she turns it off when I have it on(just like he does) saying it makes her feel nauseated whereas before she said she likes the scent and it infuriates me the way she always "turns" on me and the 2 of them always stick together, and one of my cousins in Europe and his GF are in his villa in Spain( he inherited when his parents died recently) and I wonder when he gets back if he'll have to be under house-arrest 2 weeks quarantine too like we have here, which my friend J (in Ottawa) refers to as the Socialist Republic Of Canada (and did I ever tell you that Stalin, former Soviet leader, was a serious stoner? he even grew the highest-quality weed,too! Fun fact of history! Smoke one for Mother Russia, Comrade!!)  and now in Quebec if you don't wear a mask either indoors or even outdoors they fine  you 6 K! Holy shit, just like how the Nazis forced the Jews to wear a Star Of David patch sewn onto their sleeves, now we're all being mandated to wear masks and like mindless sheeple blindly following the herd no one objects to their freedoms slowly being taken away,'s just so sad.
and scary.


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