Monday, September 28, 2020

My Message.

This is what I think of the Corona Virus, the so-called "pandemic", forced mask-wearing, fear-mongering, quarantine, isolation, social distancing, State-mandated anything, vaccines, the New World Order, lockdowns, etc. and this is my message to all of that shit, and also to my hubby,too as yesterday he was watching an analagy of a chess game on TV with the Google Chrome casting over from the laptop computer in the livingroom and I was over on the other side listening to music on the Google Home device, each of us doing our own thing but in the same room and I don't like ads and commercials and the like so with the Google I figured out I can just skip them by saying Google, next like you would when you want to skip a song and go to the next one so that's what I always do whenever an ad comes on as I just want to hear the music, not the commercials, so I did that, same as I always do....only instead it skipped what he was watching by mistake and he was furious even though I didn't know it would do that and didn't mean it to; I was just trying to skip the ad on my device but he was raging at me and screaming and really ripping into me how stupid I am , how retarded I must be and putting me down and being condescending because I don't know how things work (as if I can help it I'm not tech-saavy) just being an overall asshole and bully over an honest mistake and making some remark about do I like  it that he 'has' to keep yelling at me (because I'm always so stupid and keep doing stupid things all the time) and I told him that I'm used to it since he does it all the this Up Yours!is for him,too. I'm just so sick and tired of his abuse and he just looks for every little excuse to put me down and treat me like shit.

F*ck him.

Buddy didn't have any more blood in his shit today so hopefully it was just something he ate and yesterday I also did find a piece of garlic on the carpet too (which is toxic for dogs!!) and he's always eating crap off the floor which makes him sick so maybe it was that, and with the sore on his face( he's had since last July; it just doesn't heal even though I'm meticulous cleaning it, disinfecting it and putting antibiotic cream on it) he also has this thick black scabby crusty thing on and around it I wonder might be a cancerous lesion but could also just be an infection since it oozes pus and it's even eaten away at his face,too and pieces of his face have all rotted away and fallen off and it's just so gross and looks so painful, yet he still lets me clean it as if he somehow knows I'm helping him and it probably feels better afterwards. Today is also supposed to be our last summer-like day of 26 C and sunny and tomorrow it drops down to a more seasonal 13 C and rain and for the rest of the week but it was good while it lasted and when I walk Buddy I just stand there and marvel at the neighbour's maple tree with it's beautiful hues of orange and red leaves and just stand there and look up at it like I used to do as a kid, soaking in the beauty and wonder of God's creation. I just remembered as well I forgot to put up my fall decor on the outside balcony of the scarecrow and leaves garland I normally do in early September but it's too late to do it now though as if I do it in October people will wrongly think I'm doing it for Satan's Day on the 31st instead of just for the fall season.

The 25 YR old also has a new prank at work where he hides these tiny little plastic babies ( the size of your thumb nail) likely novelties for baby showers to put on cakes as decor or in loot bags or wwhatever and hides them in various locations all over work, and just waits to see when they're found and what people say and how they'll react to it, and I saw an ad( it was in Vancouver, actually) at a bus stop from some horrible organization like Planned Parenthood saying The best gift you can give your first child is to not have any more kids; that is, to make them an Only Child, and me being  a Lonely Only Child can tell you that is complete and utter BULLSHIT!!! I was so lonely growing up and being an only child was one of my life's biggest regrets and I always wish that I had  siblings and I vowed young that I would never do that to my own  kids and I decided I would have lots of kids of my own one day so they'd have company for eachother, which I did.
and so I leave you with a little poem:

The roses are dead
The violets are rotten
I'm f*cking crazy
Or have you forgotten?


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