Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Revenge.

Yesterday morning one of the smoke detectors upstairs kept beeping indicating a low battery and it kept the 25 YR old awake all night every few seconds with it's loud shrill beep!...beep!...beep! and it drove him crazy and he hardly got much sleep. he did take the battery out but it turns out it has this back-up power and it still keep on beeping all night, infuriating him so  when he got up he was determined to get his revenge on it even though in actual fact it was just doing it's job beeping indicating the battery needed replacing( which we automatically do every 6 months anyway and is due soon and after our fire 23 YRS ago we are meticulous about and it was a smoke detector that first alerted us to the fire even though at first I thougth it was faulty and just another false alarm as for a few days before the actual fire it had been going off and looking back I guess it had been detecting small bits of smouldering smoke from the wires we were unaware of so when it went off in the actual fire it would have been easy enough to ignore but I still did go and check just to be sure although not actually expecting an actual fire and I can still remember saying, Oh, there it goes again.... and I went off to see, and much to my next words were, as I scrambled upstairs madly, MY ROOM'S ON FIRE!!!!!!  and my mother goes WHAAAAAT?) So in any case it ends up there's 2 of them up there on the ceiling and he doesn't know which one it was so just to be safe he takes down them both and takes them out in the driveway and proceeds to smash them both to smithereens with a sledge-hammer!

I didn't want to watch; it was too cruel and too disturbing, but I certainly heard it. It was just so sad. He pummerlled those poor things.....and then found out the actual culprit was laying on the floor, so he got the real actual guilty one( after needlessly torturing and killing 2  perfectly innocent ones!) and smashed the shit out of it, extracting his sweet revenge. After all that my hubby made him go and buy a new one to replace it, and he even paid 50$ and got the more expensive one( as opposed to the regular standard one for 10$) because it has a no-beep low battery!  HA! Bonus,too; it's a 2-in-1 smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector so it all worked out in the end but I still can't help but feel sad for the poor things though esp. considering their brethren once saved our lives.

There was also a drag race yesterday on our street and it was sooooo loud it honestly sounded like an airplane taking off and the owner of the dance studio across the street was telling someone how her lawn mower is new but it never worked and I wondered if she knows she needs to put gas  in it first, and I think I have a cold now,too, courtesy of the 17 YR old( thanks for that, BTW) and my hubby tried to order my Dreads wig....and now he said the site can't be found! It figures...just my typical "luck", and is it a "sign" from God perhaps that it's not meant to be; that perhaps it was a rip-off....and that there's something better....or just more of my usual things not working out for me again? My poor hubby also had to work 13 HRS overnight from 6 pm and this morning when he finally heading off to sleep within 5 minutes they pages him again so he still never got to sleep! He was soooo sleep-deprived too he was slurring! I told him to just turn it off and ignore and just go to sleep but he said it "doesn't work that way" but I don't know how good he's going to do when his brain is 'fried" from lack of sleep,either....


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