Monday, September 7, 2020

The Swarm.

Later yesterday afternoon my hubby was cleaning up the yard and he was at the back area where all the trees and bushes are so I told him he should put on bug spray for all the mosquitoes and he tells me, There's no mosquitoes back here......
and comes running by like a bat of Hell, swatting his head and I've never seen anyone  run so fast, not even those guys in the Olympics,  and if he hadn't gotten stung so bad it would have been comical seeing him running like that swatting at himself but he had either disturbed, hit or knocked down a wasp nest he wasn't aware was there when he took down the canopy and they were really angry and the entire swarm came after him stinging him and he easily had over 20 stings all over his nexk, head, back, arms and chest.... so I gave him an ice-pack to put on the back of his head and neck where the most stings were and gave him 2 Benedryl for the itch and possible allergic reaction because even if you aren't normally allergic anyone  who gets stung that many times can have anaphalactic shock like how the 19 YR old does with peanuts (or any nuts) and has an Epi-pen for, and quickly he started sweating profusely, as in sweat just pouring and dripping  all down his face and head and soaking and drenching his shirt and he was starting to feel nauseated and becoming disoriented and "loopy" and "out of it"( he snickered, Oh, you mean like you? I told him to f*ck-off) and I knew he had to go to the ER.

He waved me off, saying, I'll be fine....

I told him he's NOT "fine" and could even stop breathing but to take a taxi as he's not fit to drive  like that(as it would be like driving drunk) and he says he'll walk but he's so "out" of it he's mumbling and walking around in circles so he literally staggers out and down the street but didn't get very far( he probably passed-out) and came back and got the car( stupid!) and drove. They saw him right away and to my surprise just said to keep taking the Benedryl. I would have thought they'd inject him with adrenaline and hook him up to Benedryl IV! In any case, he doesn't handle drugs well either( he gets all "spacey" from just cold meds!) and he was reacting to the Benedryl all night and I told him to just go to bed and sleep( as a side-effect it makes you drowsy) but he refused and he was out of it and basically sleep-walking thru the house , mumbling, talking nonsense, stumbling, etc, and like the 13 YR old said, it's like he was drunk. So that was what happened yesterday. Our little adventure. Never a dull moment at our house!

I also got a 20% off Labour Day coupon at this Rasta place I order from and so I thought it would be good to order the "bandito" mask( shown below) my hubby said was an easier style(thinner) to breathe thru when I absolutely have to go out and wear one, so I did, plus I also got the cool socks shown here. They were each only 12.99$ which is reasonable,and with my coupon I thought I'll save $$$$ so it won't cost much.....
I didn't realize it was in USD$ so now suddenly double the cost in our $$$.
and they charged as much for shipping as they do for the items.
Now it ends up costing me something like 45$ or so.
So much for saving $$$ and getting a good deal.My discount was only 5$.
But at least I still got some cool stuff,right?

Preparing for the new school year I also found out that the 17 YR old didn't do any of her math at all last year for grade 11! She did all the other subjects but math has always been my hubby's area from grade 7 so it's up to him  to teach it, to go over it with her, to check it, monitor her progress, and so on. Except he obviously hasn't been. All year. Otherwise he'd notice she hadn't been doing it so it's partly his  fault too for not doing his job and keeping up so now for this year(grade 12) she has 2 years of math! Buddy also didn't eat much yesterday and it worries me. He's my Twin Flame( not in the romantic way, but in the spiritual way) and he's brought me healing on a leval I never imagined. The one thing I can't bear is to lose him. We also got free food Harvey's was giving out byt my hamburger was really gross; there was something wrong with it; it was really dry and the texture was like sawdust and it was really salty and had this weird after-taste so I don't know if I got stuck with one of those nasty vegan plant-based veggie burgers or if someone poisoned it or what, but it was nasty-ass and I just threw it out. Of course everyone else's was ok; it was just mine that was weird. Figures.


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