Monday, October 26, 2020

Delish Dish.

Check this baby out: doesn't is look just delish?(and it IS!) it's a pumpkin spice creme cake!! I got it yesterday while out at Wal-Mart for our Sunday dessert and man, is it ever good!! I love pumpkin spice almost as much as I love chocolate! My mother calls me a Foodie( which she also is) and food is one of life's greatest pleasures and gluttony is also my biggest sin( ha,ha) and one of the reasons why I'm so fat( as well as genetics as everyone on my mother's side is also fat.) I had to take my lactose enzyme pill for it though since it has cream and my abdomenal pain is getting worse day by day as well( even before I had the cake) and last night before bed I even had this white-hot sharp pain go all down my right side all the way from my shoulder down to my hip along with it and I keep coughing and now even pain on my lefttoo also under my rib which is new as up until now all the pain had been on my right side and now as well it's diffuse in the entire abdomenal area and as I was waking up this morning I also burped up what was either stomach acid or bile as it had that nasty distinct acidy flavour and texture but it was dark and I couldn't see if it had the tell-tale green colour of bile or not and I do  have both diverticulitis and a history of stomach ulcers so it could be either one and I'm also really nauseated today too with it and muct have a fever too because I alternate between really sweaty and feeling chilled and my back pain is off the charts as well so I suspect that most likely it's my colon; that it's either twisted or has an obstruction of some sort based on the symptoms, or perhaps it's even my appendix rupturing, or possibly even an abdomenal aortic aneurysm, or perhaps even a pulmonary embolism with the cough and rib pain, all things that warrant a visit to the ER and my logical brain tells me I really should go but I'm just soooo wiped-out with the sheer fatigue I hardly even have the energy to move and I have to nap every day lately and just want to sleep all day and don't even have the energy to get up to smoke weed....all I want to do is sleep and curl up and die and I know I  really can't sit in the waiting room for hours,either; all I can do is lay down, so I'm just going to wait it out and see, unless, of course, the pain gets so bad I can't bear it anymore and I have no other choice....

In the store yesterday my hubby also stayed behind in the car and just let me go and do my thing and when I came back with the buggy and 2 bags full of stuff plus my hand full with a drink from McDonald's (they finally re-opened it) you'd think he'd be a gentleman and come out of the car to help me put the stuff in the trunk.....but oh, no, not him; he stayed in the car and just popped the trunk open and left me to struggle with the heavy bags and the drink( all with one hand mind you as I was carrying the drink) all by myself and I was struggling and I accidently banged the car with the shopping cart with a big bang! too as it's hard to manage it with just one hand and with no help but luckily it didn't dent or scratch it and he never noticed or heard it or he would have literally killed and he would have accused me of being high too, which I wasn't; I'm just really clumsy and unco-ordinated( again it's an Asperger's thing) plus I had only one hand with the drink in the other which I didn't want to spill and a bit of help would have been nice! I'm also so weak and dizzy with whatever my medical issue is I stagger around lately too and he probably thinks I'm stoned all the time but it's when I don't even have any weed; it's just my balance is off and it feels like my body is basically just shutting down. Buddy seems to sense there's something wrong too as he won't leave my side and when he snuggles me now he also nuzzles and nudges me and won't stop barking, as if he knows I'm really hurting and in rough shape and he's even extra cuddly,too, and coming up on my lap for even more cuddles than usual, trying to comfort me and make me feel better, which it does.

Yesterday Buddy also picked up a scent and told me that there was an animal in the basement and he kept trying to go down there to catch it but he's not allowed down there as there's too many dangerous things down there to him, such as sharp or poisonous things like paint and solvents, etc. so he kept guard for hours watching and waiting for it and then the 13 YR old told me that he  saw a squirrel down there,too, so that must be it, and I guess it must have ran in from outside when someone had the door open and my hubby said he saw a chipmunk in the the other day,too, and this morning I saw a mouse run across the floor in the rec-room so plenty of prey for my hunter Dachshund to chase. He's remarkably fast too, esp. for an old guy! I also finally got around to filling out the kids' passport forms( their old passports expired 6 months ago) as I hate doing it and always kept putting it off, and even though I've travelled extensively( been to 37 countries so far) and have seen alot of amazing things and been to alot of amazing places I've still never done anything amazing in my life, and one of my cousins is at his villa in Spain but now it's declared a State of Emergency with the CoronaVirus and under curfew and lockdown and what if he's stuck there and has to stay now and is unable to go back home where he lives elsewhere in Europe?


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