Saturday, October 24, 2020

Fork Off.

Yes, this is what you think it is; a fork taped to the door. Anywhere else this might seem odd but in our house it's just an average everyday normal thing. I know, we're weird. originally we had this security thing on the door that looked like a big long metal stick or pipe that went under the doorknob all the way down to the floor keeping the door shut as the lock was broken but since then my hubby put a new one in or fixed it or whatever he did but it works now so we no longer need the bar but nevertheless my hubby has still been putting it there, out of habit I suppose every night when he locks up the house for the night but the thing is that I'm  always the first one up to open and unlock the door in the morning when I get up and take Buddy out for his morning 7 am walk and it's really annoying to have to keep undoing that thing esp. when there's now no longer any reason too and it's just frustrating and unnecessary now and I even told him so and yet he stil lputting it there so now I think it's just to annoy me so one day I just got fed up and tossed it away...and then the next morning this was there instead: a fork taped to the door, apparantly as it's "replacement"! At first I didn't even notice  it because it's still really dark out at 7 am and I didn't even see it; it was the 17 YR old who saw it later and remarked, Why is there a fork taped to the door? and my hubby said it's part of our routine! I swear he's just soooo weird, and yeah, that's just how it's like in our family.
No wonder I'm crazy. They've ruined me.

I also noticed that just recently( you can tell, it looks fresh) Buddy lost his 2 front teeth ( all I want for Chrismuth is my 2 front teeth) so I don't know if the 13 YR old kicked him or something, and he was laying on my chest snuggling and our hearts were beating together in sync,too; we're so connected and I've never bonded with anyone before like I have with him, and I had a bad dream about him last night too: I was looking for him all over and couldn't find him and kept calling him and every other dog from all over came but not him and then an invisible unseen hand was guiding me to follow and it lead me to a dog that looked like him only it was much bigger and didn't have any eyes as it was blind and I was informed that he had around 24 HRS left to live.....and I got so scared it actually woke me up....but thank God it was only a dream( a nightmare, actually!) but it really scared me and shook me up! Last night my hubby also got KFC and I specifically  requested a chicken sandwich, so he comes back and he has 2 of the chicken sandwiches.....but lets the 13 and 25 YR old snatch them before I even had a chance to get in there and I'm like, What the f*ck? Why did you give away my sandwich? so I just grabbed it and took it back! and now I understand why Buddy always buries and hides all his toys whenever he sees my hubby; afraid he's going to take it! My family has such little regard and consideration for me it's like I'm just an after-thought, not even that.

For the past few days my constipation is just soooo bad too I took a laxative yesterday and finally at 1 am it worked but now my poor asshole is burning and feels like it's on fire as if I was shitting out molten-hot lava and I still have the bad abdomenal pain (I was hoping it would get rid of) and yesterday I had a bad headache all day,too, the kind I always get when the air pressure drops before it rains, even though no rain was originally forecasted my head( a barometer) said otherwise and it was really bad,too, like a bad storm was coming....and sure enough later in the afternoon they changed the weather forecast to severe thunderstorm warning and tornado watch so I was right! Always trust your instincts!  Around 9:30 last night we got one hell of a storm, and between my headache, back, abdomen and stomach pain, my Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diverticulitis(auto-immune diseases) which causes muscle and joint pain, etc. my body hates me, attacks me and is trying to kill me.


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