Thursday, October 1, 2020

Incredible Edible.

I ordered more weed and this time my medical marijuana supplier also had edibles, finally, so I also ordered this THC chocolate bar, combining 2 of my fave. things: chocolate and weed! it's fairly big and has 4 squares on it, each one a therapeutic dose and it was made at a former Hershey chcolate factory in Smiths Falls. It also came in this impossible-to-open child-proof wrapper that was secure like Fort Knox; you had to both squeeze in 2 tabs on both sides of it at the same time as pulling out at the end and it impossible for me to do all on my own; it took 2 people to manage but I finally got it opened, holy shit, and took a dose yesterday and  it tasted nice and creamy and had a chocolate mint flavour. After about an hour I also noticed the pain had lifted and I no longer had any stomach, abdomenal, or back pain anymore and it also got rid of the headache I had as well. I also ordered a new strain of Indica flower called Chocolate Fondue which is supposed to have components of chocolate in it although when I smoked it I never noticed any hint of chocolate flavour like I was hoping for which was disappointing although it was still a good smoke, and funny,too: I was outside on the front porch hitting the bong(I usually do in the backyard except it was raining so I went to the front veranda where it has shelter) and that's exactly when the Fed Ex guy showed up with a delivery for the 25 YR old! HA!

I'm really worried about Buddy too and don't think he has too much time time left now and it could be any time now: all yesterday and still today he's not eating(he even refused his fave. foods when I offered it to him), he doesn't want to go for his beloved walks(I try and take him but he just pees and pulls the lead to come right back inside) his abdomen is making these loud angry gurgling sounds, he tells me he's in alot of pain( so I gave him some of my CBD oil to ease the pain and help him be more comfortable and relax and to help him sleep) and he just sleeps andhe looks so listless and in rough shape and all last night in bed I kept him right with me and kept a close eye on him and every little movement or sound I would wake up and check him and he'd often startle awake and go in crouch and pounce position as if he was hunting prey and he'd make weird noises and I'd gather him in my arms and just hold him and pet him and tell him how much I love him and at times he'd just stare ahead in front of him and lay there all floppy and breathing shallow; it just breaks my heart and as he slips away I can feel myself dying with  him,too, we are so connected. The 13 YR old also yelled at me to Go kill yourself!! the other day when I told him to start his school work and I replied, I'll kill myself in my own  time, when I decide, when I'm good and ready, not when YOU tell me to!

My cousins also had their 50th wedding anniversary the other day and they got married right out of highschool and they're still together and  they still love eachother,too, so it can work for some people; it doesn't matter the age; it depends on the people and some people are lucky enough to find love, and I found out the other day too the 21 YR old has a new BF( that didn't take long after breaking up with her former long-term BF but a pretty girl like her I can't say I'm surprised) and she's even bringing him home for Thanksgiving dinner so it must be serious(as opposed to just casual or a "rebound") and  one of the first things my mother asked (I'd asked what is his name, where did they meet, what does he do for a living, you know, the normal stuff) was What colour is he? and I just gasped incredulously, Whaaat? Who cares? What kind of question is that? Who asks something like that? It doesn't matter! I couldn't believe  it! WTF?

I had a revelation as well that love  is God's religion, and my hubby told me I'm just like Buddy; that I just sit there and keep whining until I get what I want, and my mother lamented that she "has old lady hands and old lady skin" and I reminded her that she IS old, and the 25 YR old got this cool virtual reality that he ordered back in March and it finally came yesterday and he was really excited for it.....only his crappy old computer wouldn't take then he had to go out and buy a whole new upgraded computer to be able to run it.....but then the monitor wasn't out he went again to get a new monitor....and finally after many hours he finally got it all set up to work and he even said he'll let me try it too and I've never tried it before but I imagine it to be something like a hallucination, a good "trip", or the Matrix and just for an extra "kick" I'll do it on a Weed Day,too, for extra effect,  and my weed disgusts my hubby too, but there's alot of things about him  that disgust me ,too, such as his revolting shit that he never even has the courtesy to spray after with the deoderant spray, how he spits and horks on the sidewalk, spits out the car window, throws trash out the car onto the highway, or how he drinks out of the milk carton like a neanderthal, or throws food at the table, etc. and I could go on and what can he say?

My mother also heard somewhere they're trying to enact a law where the gov't can come into your house and check and see how many people are there, to see if you're violating the 10 person maximun limit under the CoronaVirus restrictions (we're having MORE than 10 at our Thanksgiving dinner so SUCK IT! Stick it to The Man!) which is soooo Fascist and violates people's rights and reminds me of Nazi Germany and people having to hide the Jews in their homes from the authorities, and the fear-mongering they use to scare people into submission and control they act like it's the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 but it's NOT even close: 50 million  people died of that over it's 2 year span, the majority in the first 2 months and only 1 million have died of CoronaVirus and it's been 6-7 months so far and 33 million worldwide have had it so far so you can't even compare it; it's more like the SARS outbreak in 2003 and they didn't over-react and shut everything down then  or cause mass panic then like they're doing now and you have to wonder what their End Game is by doing this; is it to control the stock markets,. the economy, or to force the scared brainwashed sheeple into getting the vaccine which will obviously have another purpose altogether, be it mass sterilization or micro-chipping, The Mark Of The Beast ,or whatever.....but remember: the more you comply the more restrictions will increase.


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Pondering For Today.