Tuesday, October 20, 2020


This is my BFF. We've been friends ever since we were 12. Today is her birthday and she's 54.It's also Tom Petty's birthday and he would have turned 70 today except he died 3 years ago. I still miss him. I can remember when we were kids and we used to make fun of old people, such as doing the Old Man Cough...and now here we are, the old people that we used to find so funny and make fun of! She never had any kids and I don't have any grandchildren( at least not yet, and I'm not looking forward to it; I had enough shit with my own  kids and I'm not looking forward to a repeat but at least the good thing with other people's kids is you get the good part, like the cuddling and then you can just give them back) yet we still got old anyway.. She was raised in South Korea and immigrated to Canada when she was in grade 5 not speaking any English and lived in Toronto until grade 8 and then moved to USA for highschool and college(her family owned restaurants and she owns one now herself,too) and moved back fairly recently a few years ago when her mother was dying of cancer for the "free" healthcare. I remember her telling me once when she was a teen she needed kidney surgery and they had to pay 20K out of their own pocket! It's a good thing they have $$$! I also think my sitting outside days are done now( or at least numbered; maybe I'll still get the odd nice day here and there) based on this week; cool ( 9 0 C) and rainy and soon we switch our clocks again,too, that everyone hates although they are trying to get rid of it(yessss!) and keep it on one time all year which makes more sense, and the 17 YR blamed Jesus  for the annoying time change,too, and I told her it was Ben Franklin, not Jesus' fault!

The other day my tricky devious mother also suggested to me Why don't you go outside and smoke some pot for your pain? once my hubby went out somewhere and when I did she snuck a can of sugary Pepsi that her doctor forbids on her diabetic diet, thinking that outside with the door closed I wouldn't hear her cracking open the can, but I still did anyway, as she forgot that weed also enhances and magnifies my senses so I caught her anyway  and I said to her, I heard  that!!  and she shrugged, You go smoke when ( my hubby) leaves and I do the same when you're  not there; I sneak my food! I swear, she's just like a sneaky little kid, and when she doesn't want to know how high her blood sugar is she sinply doesn't take it..... I also found one shoe in the laundry the other day as well, just one, and thought it odd but then again I find all kinds of weird things in there, money, tissues, ID cards, lip balm, pins, etc. and even a pen that looks like a syringe....

I heard on the radio as well they're doing a Trash Bash asking for people to volunteer to pick up garbage in the parks and along the side of the roads( slave labour!)  even though I thought they had prisoners to do that, I pick up my own  garbage but I'm NOT picking up someone else's,  and it was announced the other day too that the 21 YR old had some news.... and I braced for it....OK, here it comes....she's prego....expecting they were going to say she's prego....but she got a raise at work. If she was prego though my mother said, That would be OK,too, and that would make her a Great-grandmother! I also had a 2 HR nap yesterday I was so tired an my sweet Buddy-Boy came up and joined me and for the past couple of days my pee's so weird,too, not even yellow but a cloudy white-colour, so my kidneys must really be in bad shape(my lower back/flank pain is bad,too) and it has a really foul odour,too,kind of like cat piss, but I get more bloodwork done this week so I'll see if anything shows up even though it always says liver and kidneys are failing and they never seem concerned about it...

My hubby and the 17 YR old also delight in discussing how they're going to celebrate Satan's Day (Halloween) even though they know  how I feel about it ( glorifying Satan and the occult) and I don't allow the kids to partake in it and they just purposely do it to disrespect my religious beliefs and to piss me off, and my hubby also says he's not ignorant like me because unlike me, he  knows about things he isn't interested in, whereas if I don't like something and have no interest in it ( sports, for example) I know nothing about it( I couldn't name any teams or players on teams or what cities they're from for example because I couldn't care less) yet if I am  interested in something I can't learn enough  about the topic, even as a kid I can still remember going to the library and taking out every single book on the subject and reading them all voraciously, such as in grade 3 or 4 when I was interested in geology, and in particular volcanoes, so it's NOT that I'm "ignorant"; I'm selective and discriminating and I think a part of that is also an Asperger's thing. If I like something I can't get enough of it but if I don't  like something and have no interest in it then why would  I bother wasting my time on it, on something I couldn't care less about, if I just think it's pointless and meaningless, anyway? I also keep seeing the same group of 6-7 people in my dreams every night as well and they appear to be my friend group and they "call" on me and we go out and do things together, much like the YMCA group in Ottawa where I met my friends decades ago and I wonder if this is a "preview" or a foreshadowing of my future friends in either the Afterlife or in my next life perhaps?

and so I leave you with these parting wise words of wisdom today:
I smoke weed because I'm trying to be the best person I can be and that person overflows with THC.


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