Friday, October 23, 2020

The Lab.

So yesterday I went to the lab for my every 6 months blood work. I had the usual CBC and liver enzymes and kidney work-up done, plus a cortisol level test to test my adrenal glands as I suspect I might have adrenal failure.....except what I didn't know( and who the hell can ever read doctor's writing,right?) was that the test had to be done on specific times, and spaced out, one between 8-10 am and the other between 3-5 pm, and the lab closes at 3pm, and I didn't know until I showed up at I was just able to get my other stuff done and they told me to come back in the afternoon for part of the cortisol test and another day for the morning one only I misunderstood and thought they'd said it had to be done before 3pm so I showed up at 2 pm and my hubby had dropped me off and I couldn't exactly call him to come back and pick me up again; he'd be sooo mad, so I just had to sit and wait there until just before 3pm before they closed and they did it and I was soooo bored. They suggested I go and walk around town and then come back except I can't walk for that long or I get faint and pass out so I just sat there. Normally they used to have chairs in the waiting room but now with the so-called "pandemic" all they have now is big blue dots along the floor spaced-out for people to stand out distanced apart and there's no way I can stand that long so they sanitized a chair for me to sit.

I got some of the results later that day,too and no surprise: continued kidney function decline but at least it's still NOT as bad as my cousin and his son who both have less than 15% kidney function and are on dialysis and need transplants, and increasing liver failure: my alkaline phosphatase is 152 and it should be between 35-120( and 6 month's ago it was 146  so it's getting higher= worsening) but I can't say it really surprises me, and it's obviously just a genetic thing since I don't drink alcohol at all or eat fried greasy fatty foods much....For the past few days I've also been really constipated as well and it feels so big and hard I just can't get it out no matter how hard I push; it feels like I'm trying to shit a brick and the abdomenal pain is really bad,too, but I do  also have Divirticulitis(sp?) diagnosed on a CT scan, so maybe one the "pockets" in my colon's gotten inflamed or even infected and some shite got trapped in there or something? I've also noticed Buddy's breathing has become loud and noisy the past couple of days,too, wheezy and laboured and it worries me his time is coming to an end soon....

I also have this thought that I'm dying within the next few days,too, unless it's just a delusion, but I have been just soooo tired lately it's like someone let all the air out of me and deflated me, but today it's supposed to get up to a balmy 22 C and sunny so a great outside day, probably the last  one until spring so Buddy and I are going to be out all day enjoying it while we still can, and the other day neither my hubby or the 13 YR old( the only ones smart enough that know how to cast over stuff from the computer onto the TV) would cast the nightly news for me, and the kid told me to shut up and walked away and my hubby excused he was eating, even though it would just take him a mere few seconds to pause and help me out.....and not only that but he purposely took his sweet time just to make me wait and stew nervously as the news had already started, incl, chewing extra slowly and wiping his mouth after each bite, etc. you get the idea, just to prolong it to make me wait as long as possible, just to be an asshole, so I just gave up and went and watched it on my computer even though it's really hard on my bad back to have to sit up for that long ( 1 HR) in a chair, and he also yelled at me that I never help out and sarcastically thanks for helping out when I had to call ths kids down over the Alexa Home device to bring the groceries in the house from the car even though I did but it just didn't work( like things usually don't work for me, and in this case the Google Home device interrupted and butt-in and ruined it but somehow that was my fault and he blamed me for not doing it even though I did; it just didn't work; and I'm sick and tired of always being blamed, and accused and being bawled-out and yelled at for everything all the time. I'm the family scapegoat and punching bag and I'm really tired of it.


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