Saturday, October 3, 2020

Virtual Reality.

Yesterday the 25 YR old had me try out his new virtual reality and it looked exactly like the picture above with the headgear and hand controllers. He said it's this:
Valve Index:
8gb video
36g ram
6 core (12cpu)3.6

 When you put it on though you see a whole new "world" in 3D and it looks and feels so real! I was always aware that it wasn't but it seemed like it was and enough so you'd try to even reach out and touch things that in reality weren't really there. I was able to simulate like I was "flying" over different parts of the Earth such as mountains, terrain, water and even shot up into space and could see the Milky Way and the Earth below, something you don't normally get to see until you die and your spirit leaves your body and it was so cool and the most amazing awesome thing ever and it really blew my mind! I spent most of my childhood trying to fly and it has always been my biggest dream. The closest I ever actually got was para sailing but this felt pretty real next to it. I also "went" to a laser city that was incredible, and to some sort of "lab" where I picked up an apple and this huge carrot that I did obscene gestures with(I have a rude sense of humour, I know) and threw into the water and fed to a sea lion and then I went outside in the snow and looked up at the falling snow and it was so pretty I was tempted to stick out my tongue and catch snowflakes. It was the most incredible thing but I couldn't stand for too long(I always feel faint) so I had to end up sitting down and I was sweating profusely the sweat was literally dripping all the way down into my mouth and I was worried it might ruin his expensive headpiece but WOW what an amazing incredible experience! It was like a good "trip" or something from the Matrix or something; it was incredible and fascinating and I'd definitely like to do it again! I spend most of my time during the experience flying though as it's hard to keep me grounded, ha, ha!

Buddy also thankfully seems better; the day before yesterday he did 7 or 8 big turds and he was voraciously hungry and ate everything is sight and had no blood in his shit and yesterday he had 2 huge soft squishy shits( as well as this morning) with some blood right at the very end but not actually mixed in with the shit, so likely just an irritation in his ass from  it so maybe he was just constipated and all backed-up with a "log-jam' and when he got all cleared out he was OK? Maybe that what was causing all his pain? He still does often make grunting and wheezing noises though breathing and sounds like he has a stuffy nose,too.The other day he was yawning and his jaw came unattached as well and had popped out and was visibly sticking out on the one side and he was trying to get it back in place but couldn't so I snapped it back in and he was OK. The 23 YR old also returns home from BC today and she sprained her ankle at a trampoline park in Vancouver too and had to go the ER for X-rays!

The 21 YR old is also bringing her new BF home to meet us next weekend for Thanksgiving too so it'll be like a "test" of a sort to , to see if he can "survive"our big, loud, crazy, weird, messy, unconventional family as it takes a strong special kind of person to be able to adapt and endure us, and the 17 YR old is preparing to write her SAT test as that's what homeschoolers have to do to get into university is to show their SAT score for admission since they don't have "official" highschool transcripts, and so far she's doing well on her practice tests, and she'll be studying for about a year before she actually takes the real test as there's lots of study and preparation; it's not something you just go and do, and I found out the Scottish Lady ( the widow who lives at the nice house at the corner who I'd guess is in her 60's and her name's actually Sheila) is my Sister From Another Mister as yesterday when I was walking Buddy she was also walking by and she started talking to me about how ridiculous it is about the Corona virus "pandemic" and how they're needlessly scaring everyone about a Flu, and we started talking and we're the exact same  politically and we both agree and think it's waaaay over-done andjust being used to oppress and control people and she also balks at mandatory mask-wearing and she doesn't like Trudeau or Trump,either! Maybe God sent her to me as a new friend, who knows? I know I could really use one and I could see her and I being friends. I also saw a sad thing where a little kid asked her mother if it was "safe" to play with her best friend(who she has been friends with and playing with for years) and once kids have to ask "permission" like that to play with their best friend you know they've been brainwashed. That's conditioning and programming and it's sad. I also heard Trump has the virus now,too which is karma but it's mean so many people are happy about it and even hope he dies; as much as I don't like him I still hope he recovers; I just hope he has to drop out of the election so it's one less tyrant the world has to worry about. It wouldn't surprise me though if he's just making it up and he really doesn't but just says he does as an excuse to get out of the next debate since he flopped so badly on the last one...


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Pondering For Today.