Sunday, November 1, 2020

Louis And Satan.

This is my fave. chair, my Louis XV chair. I've had it for decades and I cherish it as I love traditional antique pieces esp. French Provincial furniture. The other day the 17 YR old  also got the idea in her head somehow somewhere that being "old" it might be worth something so she did research on it and found much to her delight she could get 1000$ for it and says she's going to put it up on eBay .....over my dead body!! I happen to like my chair and it's NOT going anywhere, at least NOT until I'm dead, to which my hubby gleefully cackled, That can be arranged.... ha, ha, very "funny" but I told her when I do die then she can have the chair if she wants it and then she can sell it.But NOT until  then. At least wait until I'm dead before you go selling my stuff off, and the same goes  for the antigue piano and Grandfather clock kids: not until I'm dead. At least have the decency to wait until then, OK? It feels like they're trying to "erase" every trace of me in this house( my hubby  even removed the photos of me we had on the walls in the family portraits awhile ago) and trying to get rid of all my fave. things,too, and it's hurtful, like bit by bit they're slowly trying to "erase" me from the house, from the family, and I know they think I'm crazy too but that doesn't  mean that I'm wrong.....

Yesterday was also Satan's Day and just to purposely annoy me my hubby and the kids kept snickering to me Happy Halloween!  knowing how I feel about it and my reply was Eat shit and die!  not letting them "push my buttons" like that, just trying to ignore their bullying and ridicule, and then later on in the evening I heard the doorbell and I reminded her to not answer it....and she did and ran out grabbing some kind of food to hand out, infuriating me.....We DON'T glorify Satan and the occult in this house! What did I TELL you?  and she laughs  and shrugs me off, saying I raised her in a "cult" ( to believe in God) and that both  God and Satan 'aren't real" etc. mocking my religious faith and beliefs, getting me even madder, and saying saying she doesn't want to live here anyway  and I told her once she's an adult  and has her own place she can do what she wants  but as long as she lives here  she obeys the rules and one of them is NOTHING to do with the occult!!!!  and is it really so "bad" I want to raise my kids to be good, upright, godly righteous,moral people? To NOT be swayed by an evil, corrupt ungodly world? ......then shortly afterwards I overheard her whispering and laughing to the others that after all that she was just * pretending* and that no one was ever even at the door the whole time; she just made it all up  to get me going..... and then I said to her, basically that I heard that and that she was BUSTED and the whole thing fell apart and she goes, I thought you were deaf? What, did you put your hearing aids in? but the thing is that I know, see, hear, and am aware of alot more  than they think and realize I do and I use that to my advantage. You always have to be one step ahead of them and in actual fact I'm NOT as dumb as they think.

My mother also "warned" me when I see our mutual doctor this week to NOT "snitch" on her cheating on her diabetic diet or else she'll tell him that  do "more" marijuana than I'M supposed to....but the actual fact is I don't; I "ration" myself to twice a week for migraine control but when the pain gets overwhelming from my Rheumatoid Arthritis or my abdomenal or back pain and nothing else works to relieve the pain and I just can't take it anymore  I have to take weed for relief so then it ends up being extra.....but my actual medical prescription for it is three times a day but it's just that I can't afford  it that often so I ration it, to which she replied, You'd be a zombie  if you did it 3 times a day! .... maybe, but at least I'd be pain-free!


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