Monday, December 14, 2020

A Hippopotamus For Christmas....Or Birthday.

The other day I was offended to hear the radio DJ say about the song I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas:  I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to give or receive a hippopotamus for Christmas!  and I'm like Whaaat? * I*  sure would!! Really? Seriously though what is wrong with some people? I also had my hubby order the little hippo pictured above for my birthday gift next month and it's a tiny jewellery box too to fit rings and necklaces. I have 2 other similar ones on my dresser in my bedroom so when it arrives it can join its friends. I have quite the hippo collection now between plush/stuffies and figurines, statues, and other accessories. One can never have too "many" hippos afterall. I also got this big( softball-sized) fizzy bath bomb wrapped in shiny red tin foil yesterday that's supposed to smell like gingerbread and I put it in my bath today to enjoy a nice long hot soak and I didn't smell anything( but my nose is also still blocked,too) but I did enjoy a nice soft, silky, oily bath which soothed my achy bones and muscles and eased my arthritis.

I went to the store yesterday as well and there was a long line and not only do I NOT tolerate waiting in line I also can't stand long or I feel like I'm going to faint and that's what happened again; I got really sweaty and restless and almost passed out but luckily my hubby showed up and we were able to go thru the self-check out which was quicker as he's able to do it(it never works for me; those automated things never do I guess because I'm a jinx) and I noticed I have blood in my pee again too( kidneys) and I saw a pink tinge on my bladder-control pad; all the other times before I never actually saw it; it just always showed up on the lab results having my urine analyzed. My pain and fatigue also runs so deep, extending into every joint, bone,a nd muscle and is so bad it's even worse than when I had the Epstein-Barr virus in 1985 when I was in grade 12 ( they also called it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and I've even been nauseated lately too which is rare for me; I'm not generally a "barfy" person unless I have the Flu or in extreme pain like in labour or from migraines.

Yesterday coming back from the store I also saw 2 people dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus walking down the street jingling bells and singing Christmas songs and it was so cool and also something that you don't see every day, and when I first woke up yesterday I thought it was Monday and then I thought it was Saturday and then realized it was actually Sunday; my brain is shit and it's like I have Alzheimers, and my weed tastes funny lately as well just like my souvlaki and other things have making me wonder if it's just a cold or due to kidney issues which can also alter taste, and I'm not afraid of dying either but actually looking forward to it; I see it as being set free, and I've always been a restless spirit on an endless flight and live in my head in my own little world and just do my own thing, oblivious to everyone and everything around me, always a dreamer with my head in the clouds.


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