Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Steve.

Today is Christmas Eve Eve, or as we call it, Christmas Steve . I managed to get photos of the 19 YR old (shown here) and the 21 YR old(just below) the 26 YR old(lower down) and finally the 17 YR old I caught off guard (in the adorable snowman shirt) in a group shot as she was wrapping gifts. It's hard to get photos of her and the 13 YR old as they never co-operate and always scurry off somewhere and hide  when they see my with a camera and don't willingly let me take photos of them so I have to be sneaky and get them when they're distracted and don't notice. I have to be  stealth and take a quick shot before they even know what happened but luckily I'm skilled at that.  My hubby is also off all this week and the 24 YR old's BF had to go back the other day as he has to work( he has a PhD in engineering) so he opened his presents early and handed out the presents he gave before he left and he got presents not only for the 24 YR old but for all her siblings,too! I never got anything but neither did my mother or hubby so it wasn't just me excluded like with the 24 YR old. She gets gifts for everyone except me. The 21 YR old also had and passed her driving test yesterday but the computers were down and she waited there 5 HRS but it still wasn't fixed so she couldn't actually get her license and has to go back again today. I swear everything here is just soooo half-assed!

The kids also complain we have "mould" and it gives them rashes, headaches,and makes them sick and the 19 and 24 YR olds want to go back early( the 21 YR old and her BF go back later Christmas; they were originally leaving early Christmas morning to spend the day with his family but they're in Toronto where the virus is bad so they decidednst it and will go hopefully next YR) and the 24 YR old complains having to "sleep on the floor" even though we do have an inflatable air mattress so she's not really sleeping on the floor and it was always good enough for her before, and I thought once all the kids that were here were all together they might all get together and decorate the tree too but it doesn't look like that will be happening either so it looks like this year we won't be having any ornaments, tinsel, etc. on our tree, just lights and candy canes, and I have this candle that smells like French Toast and when I first lit it I thought it smelled like Buddy's farts but then I realized that it actually was his fart; he did fart and as it cleared and time went on it really smelled like cinnamon toast! The 13 YR old was also mean taunting him that he's adopted,  and I still remember when the oldest and the 26 YR old were 5 and 10 years old the oldest teased the youngest saying he I "wasn't his real mother and we just adopted him off the street" and he came crying to me and I had to reassure him that it wasn't true and to prove that he really was mine I showed him we both have the same weird baby toe.

The 19 YR old also has to adjust to the 3 HR time difference  and I noticed she has a tattoo  on her inner wrist and arm; a big Pokemon  that looks like a fox and most mothers would be like, You got a tattoo? What is wrong with you?Oh, my God!!! but I was like, You got a tattoo? Let me see! Oooh, that's so cool! That's awesome!! I'm not like most other mothers, and I noticed as well now her eyes are a pretty emerald green colour even though they were always blue( like all of the kids' eyes are just like my hubby and I) and she insisted they always were green but I know they weren't and even showed her close-up photos of her as a kid showing they were clearly blue.....I was convinced she was wearing coloured contact lens but she denied it, so what happened? Is it somehow possible eye colour can change between childhood/teens to adulthood? I've never heard of that before....

Someone also put a suitcase right in the middle of the hallways upstairs, right between my bedroom and the bathroom so of course when I got up during the middle of the night to go pee(I don't turn the lights on) stumbling around in the dark I didn't see it and I tripped over it, and I saw on Twitter  this OnlyFans  ad (it's basically a porn thing) and the girl looked EXACTLY like my friend P(from grade 6)  and the 17 and 19 YR olds were complaining how guys always "hit" on them and the 19 YR old said there's so many perverts in Vancouver  and the 26 YR old told them guys are always like that and "hit" on pretty girls all the time but sadly it's *NEVER* happened to me, not even once,not even when I was younger, I haven't even been "cat-called" by construction workers as I walk by; that's how it's like when you're ugly, no one finds you attractive or desires you, and it hurts, and I would find it flattering actually because it would mean someone finds me attractive, but no one ever has, and I've always had plenty of guy friends  but they've only ever liked me as a "sister" and I've always just been like "one of the guys".I also notice the 19 YR old looks painfully thin too and her arms and legs are stick-thin and her lower legs are even smaller than my arms and her shoulders are sunken in and her back looks curved it worries me but she says she's fine so maybe it's just because she's vegan but it worries me since anorexia seems to run in our family as the 17 YR old struggled with it when she was 14 and the 24 YR old earlier in university....They may not think  I care but I do. It concerns me but at the same time I didn't want to say too much about it or she'd think I'm criticizing. With them no matter what I say or how I say it, it always gets taken the wrong way.


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