Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Hello December.

This is one of my cousin's trees ( she lives in Europe) she says it's the first time they put it up before December. They put it up a few days ago. We normally have ours up the end of November but no one wants to put it up so we may not even end up having one this year; I usually do it but for the past couple of years I simply just don't have the energy or the stamina to do it; I get all sweaty, faint and out of breath; it's just too big of a job for me now and too physically demanding for me now and so it's fallen to the kids to do ( my hubby has never done it) but they're too lazy and couldn't be bothered so we probably won't end up with a tree at all this year unless they start feeling festive at some point and miss the tree and end up changing their minds. I also got to start my new Lindt  Advent calender today and the numbers are sooo hard to see and to find; it's tiny little white numbers on a gold background and I don't see too well anyway as it is.....it took me easily over a good 15 minutes trying to find it this morning but was the chocolate ever delicious!!! Mmmmmmm!! I can't believe it's December already,either; it seems like it was just summer a little while ago and where did the time go? I'm glad though that this horrible awful year is almost over; it's been one of the worst years ever with the "pandemic" and all the mandates, lockdowns, cancellations, Big Brother totalitarian measures, losses of basic rights and freedoms all under the guise of keeping you safe, and the Corona virus has made society more suffocating  and by choice is better than forced. LIVE FREE OR DIE.
A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse ′′ (Richard III). When you're desperate, distressed, terrified, you're willing to give up everything, even freedom for a never-declared pandemic.

Yesterday I also had this weird tingling on my scalp at the back of my head and it felt like "prickles" and I have this weird headache too and stiff sore neck(I still have my nose blocked and stuffy on just the left side,too, the right side is fine) at the back, unbelievable fatigue(I'm so tired my eyes are burning even when I first wake up I'm still so tired) and abdomenal pain like Buddy now too and it makes me wonder with both of us having it if maybe we're bothpoisoned or something but luckily he seems better and only yelped out in pain once yesterday, when he was taking a shit, and how's this for gross: my mother poured out cereal from the box into her bowl and no cereal came out( the mice must have eaten it all) but mice turds poured into her bowl instead!!!! Ewwwwwww!!!!

I leave you with this:
You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. -Margery Williams Bianco

and this:

I wasn't built for just normal, I’m a dream chaser, I don’t settle for less, I will leave my mark on this planet we call earth our home. chase yours and leave your mark." -Saa Fomba


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