Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Mouse House.

Yesterday Buddy was excitedly at the closet in the hallway barking and his tail was going a mile a minute and he was telling me he found a mouse and my hubby heard the commotion and came over and it was one of his gym bags Buddy was poking his nose in and when he did a mouse ran out towards the bathroom( so he was right!) so my hubby took the bag outside to inspect it and found 3 more mice, so not only was there a mouse it was an entire nest; it was a mouse house! It also happens to be the same closet we keep the chips in and and you all know mice will appear wherever there is a food source. We've found them in our kitchen cupboards too. Buddy is a fantastic mouser! Who needs a cat to catch mice when you have a Dachshund! They are natural-born hunters and have a very strong prey instinct! Thank God Buddy's feeling better now,too, no more yelps of pain all day yesterday and none so far today so maybe he really was just constipated? My hubby also asked why I'm more concerned when the dog is sick or hurt than when he is and I simply replied, Because he loves me and you don't. and he scoffed that trying to talk to me is just wasting air  so I told him that marrying him was wasting my life  and he also said he "heard the fluttering of wings" upstairs too and thought it must have been either a bird or a bat but I never saw anything so either he imagined it or maybe it was an angel or something?

It snowed a bit overnight last night too after 2 straight days of heavy rain( and our basement flooded again and my hubby got a soaker, ha,ha!) but it's just a "dusting" but I don't mind it in December though as it makes it more "Christmas-y" and every time I sing along to my music out loud both the 13 and 17 YR olds yell at me and scold me to shut up and stop singing and act like they're the "boss" and use threats, trying to silence my voice and kill my groove, and even though I can't sing doesn't mean I won't and when I get the music in me it just comes out and I'm just trying to enjoy the song, go with the mood and be happy and they always try and ruin it for me and take it away from me and then when I don't "obey" them and tell them I can do what I want and they can't tell me what to do and they aren't my boss they'll put redneck country music ( they know I HATE) up really loud on the Google home device just to piss me off and they say I'm "cringe-y" and the 13 YR old even threatens to kill Buddy and I ( and there's something sinister about him I sometimes wonder if he will and he scares me) and I have to just put on my headphones and crank the music up so loud I can't even hear them and just tune them out. If it bothers them that much though why can't they just leave the room then? Why always try and steal my joy? My mother also bought a pair of Christmas socks and insisted that I "switch" the Christmas gift I got for the 19 year old and give her the socks instead but why would I?I told her to just give it to her herself if she wants. I like what I got her and I think she will too and besides, the last time I got her socks in Jamaica she never even wore them. Too bad you can't choose family because if you could I wouldn't have chosen mine.


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