Saturday, December 19, 2020

Some Random Thoughts.

I had a little break yesterday as the 17 YR old and my hubby were at work and for 3 HRS the 13 YR old was visiting at his friend's house and then right after he went to the barber for a haircut and then in the cvening my hubby and the older kids left for his brother-in-laws and all day today they'll be gone  and I got to sleep in(with no breakfasts to prepare) and it'll be nice and quiet and peaceful with less people here making noise or to harrass me and I can spend the day smoking weed, listening to my music and belting out the songs without anyone getting on my back.

It's supposed to start snowing in Toronto tonight 2 HRS before the 19 YR old's flight lands. Doesn't it figure?

I saw thru the window(which had the curtains open to highlight their Christmas tree) one of the neighbours have one of those massive 85 inch TV's and it practically takes up their entire wall and my hubby wants one too even ours is still really big and works just fine and there's no need to replace it and get another one until it stops working and we haven't got the $$$ for that,anyway.

Your enemies are alot closer than you know.

I had a dream that this year at Christmas all the kids conspired together and got gifts for everyone except me,purposely leaving me out, like the 24 YR old does every year and if so that would just shatter me, esp. given my life-long trauma of always being rejected and excluded. That would just push me over the edge, probably even to the point of suicide and they know it.

Now I can understand why people give $$$$ to animal shelters instead of to human causes. Dogs are just so loving, loyal,and faithful. People suck.

People who criticize alot  also are the ones that have been criticized alot.

People with Bipolar are so depressed they don't get out of bed and all they want to do is die.

Don't allow yourself to be crushed to fit a pre-made mold.

Religion can be followed at home and in your heart.

Face the world with an indomidable spirit.

I bet right after New Years the gov't tyrants will put everyone into full lockdown as "punishment" for still gathering with family and friends over Christmas because that's how dictatorship works and that's what dictators do.

My mother said Latin is a written language and no one speaks it and I told her that the ancient Romans might disagree.

My hubby scoffed that I "never worked" and that he both works full-time and homeschools the kids when it was Me who solely homeschooled the kids (not him) right up to grade 6 and I was the one that taught them the foundations( phonics, reading, writing, basic math) which is the most difficult, and grades 7 and 8 (and he only started doing the math in Jr.High once it got behind my ability) and then he took over highschool as it was all on the computer and they self-learned at that point and he just had to mark it and I didn't know how to mark it on the computer but up until then it was all me plus for all those years he and my mother worked full-time  was also the one that not only did all the homeschooling but also took care of the kids( and I was always prego, or nursing a newborn) and cooking and cleaning, but according to him I  Never worked.....

Fact: everyone is more kinky and perverted in private than anyone will ever know.

I don't have family. I just live with room-mates who also happen to be related to me.

An enemy gave birth to me. I don't have a mother.

Everyone that I have ever loved,trusted, or cared for has betrayed me.

My biggest dream was to have kids. Until I actually had kids.

We die many times emotionally first before we die physically.

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Wordless Wednesday.