Thursday, January 7, 2021

American Revolution The Next Generation?

Holy shit, the news last night! I couldn't believe it and finally something NOT Corona-virus related! I just woke up out of my afternoon nap and lit my candle I always do when the sun goes down and my hubby comes in and asks me if I'd heard the news yet (obviously I hadn't and I hadn't been online since the morning) and he basically said America's having a revolution and I was like, Yeah....right, ha,ha, very funny... but he was serious! With him I can't believe him because he's always either mind-f*cking with me, playing with my head or pranking me but this time he was actually telling the truth; so-called "protesters" stormed the US Capitol, Trump supporters naturally, still mad that he lost the election, scaling the walls and just basically invading the place even though I thought they would have had better security than that( unless, of course, they were in on it?) and I turned on the news coverage and it was just unreal to see as I watched the story unfold right in front of my eyes. Holy f*ck! I think those were my exact words. It was like some sort of military coup in some Central American Banana Republic and also reminded me of in Medieval times breaching the castle wall and then seconds later the flaming arrows come flying over the walls.

They smashed windows, destroyed offices, people were shot( of course they were armed; it's USA afterall and most of them have guns) they even found 2 pipe bombs which were luckily disarmed by the police, thank God, it was evacuated and proceedings were halted temporarily,  a curfew was set and the National Guard and army were called in to disperse the rowdy raging rioting mob and they had to use tear gas and I think 4 people died and they eventually were able to clear the mob. Holy shit though, this is unreal! They're NOT "protesters" though; protesters carry signs NOT  guns,  and are peaceful not violent and destructive. This was anarchy, this was an insurrection, a siege, sedition, and invasion. Now I'm the first to say that some times there is a time for revolution; when the gov't is oppressing or exploiting the people and taking away their rights and freedom, for example, but NOT just because your guy lost a democratic legal legit election. I mean, really? They remind me of those soccer hooligans who go on a rampage when their team loses.

Trump was told to calm the crowds and tell them to put an end to it as well which he sort of did in a half-assed way but at the same time you could tell that he didn't really mean it and he was still harping on about how the election was "stolen" from him, inciting and encouraging the violence and I can't help but think if this was a BLM protest how the authorities would have reacted differently; they would have reacted quicker and used live ammunition for example instead of tear gas and would have used much more force but since they were right-ring white supremacists they took a more gentle approach and it just makes me sick, They are domestic terrorists and I hate to think what will happen when Biden actually gets inaugurated(sp?) they'll probably do like this only much worswe, plus probably try to even assassinate him or something.... It did also say in the Bible that in the Last Days  there will also be increased wars and insurrections...people just don't learn from history andthis could very well end up the American Revolution II, and they're talking of envoking their 25th Ammendment too which could remove Trump from office for being unfit to perform his Presidential duties for inciting the storming of the Capitol but he only has 2 weeks or so left so would they even be able to pass it in time and if not how much more damage can that psycho and his crazy band of cult followers still do in 2 more weeks?


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