Sunday, January 10, 2021

Little Lord Fauntleroy.

The entitlement, spoiling, and lack of discipline for the 13( soon-to-be 14) YR old has gone way far. My mother and hubby have always coddled him and over-indulged him, either for being the youngest or for being a child prodigy/genius, never making him do anywhere near the same amount of chores the others have(and until just recently he never even had to do anything) not punishing him for things the others would get in trouble for, letting him get away with everything, calling me "mean" and making me the "Bad Guy" because I'm the only one who does dare discipline and punish him and set boundaries and rules for him and tell him to behave and then they just over-rule and undermine what I say anyway and he's just soooo disobedient, defiant and disrespectful to me he ignores me, defies what I say, talks back and swears at me, tells me to go kill myself, refuses to do what I tell him, rages and  hits me and the 17 YR old( even with the No Hitting rule, anyone else gets in trouble if they did the same thing but with him the other person, the one he hit must have started it and done something to 'deserve' it according to them and he never gets punished), throws and destroys things(I also suspect he's the one who's been sabotaging and ruining my headphones all this time), teases Buddy(and I suspect hurts him in private as well when I'm not looking such as in another room) and is just a mouthy, out of control, defiant, disrespectful, mean, bratty, bossy, mean kid and I can sense psychological problems in him as well that are deeply troubling and I think he's disturbed but whenever I bring it up I always get shot down so here they are creating this monster I see happening right in front of me and there's nothing I can do and they keep enabling him and it's NOT doing him any favours but will only make life even harder for him as he grows up because no one else is going to put up with his entitled "Princely" attitude or let him get away with all this shit.

Examples would be just yesterday alone I was listening to my Flashback show on the radio in the morning and he was trying to interrupt it and ruin it for me by endlessly asking the Google Home device questions (I was listening to it thru that) and I told him I was listening and he was interrupting and it was rude and said he could wait until it was over( which was only 10 minutes) or at least until a commercial break but he refused and got mad and kept  interrupting my show and asking it; he wanted it now and then my hubby joined it and backed him up  telling me I'd basically better just let him (as it was an act of wills and I'm going to lose) and accept my fate or else I'm "never going to get to hear my show" when instead what he should  have said ( if he were a good and responsible parent) would be to smarten up and behave himself and to NOT be rude and interrupt, and to wait his turn and not be so disrespectful. Later on in the day he was also in the diningroom at the table going over schoolwork he had to catch-up on and I was in the livingroom and he kept yelling at me to shut up; to stop talking!  and stop singing! and I'm sick and tired of always being told to shut up in my own home and being told to not talk and to not sing! I'll talk and sing if I want to! I'm my own boss and I'm not one of the kids and I'm sick of always being treated inferior and the kids learned how to treat me like shit by watching and copying how my hubby and mother treat me, and then to that my hubby blamed me, NOT him,  telling me to shut up as he needs it quiet to do his work so I told them if he needs a quiet place to do his work with no noise, no music, no talking, no distractions, then why doesn't he go up to his room then and close the door? It's nice and quiet there and that way other people can still go about their business,too? It's not always about him.

I have to walk away from my toxic family if I'm ever going to reclaim myself.

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