Thursday, January 21, 2021

New Hope.

Yesterday Joe Biden was sworn in as America's newest President, ending 4 YRS of tyranny under the Trump regime and returning to democracy once again and surprisingly it all went off without incident; the Trump fanatics didn't cause any chaos like they did awhile ago at the Capitol, likely deterred by the strong military presence prepared for violence, which thankfully never came. The world is now a much safer and more stable place now than it was just a couple of days ago when Trump was still in power and I'n sure countries like Iran and North Korea, for example, can breathe easier now, too, knowing they're not going to suddenly be invaded, have war declared upon them, or possibly even nuked, and the world in general is better off, incl. us as USA's biggest trading partner and if they sneeze we catch a cold. At least Biden is a more stable diplomatic, professional leader that wants to unite his country and not divide it like Trump does and he's not a white supremacist,either and won't get the far-right fanatics all riled up like Trump did and he's for gun control as well. The only things I don't like about him is he thinks it's ok to kill unborn babies and he's killing the pipeline which provides countless jobs and is good for economies in both of our countries but all things considered he's waaay better than Trump and certainly more stable and more fit to run a country.

My mother was awful as well and said she wanted to watch the Inaguration live on the news to see him get shot thinking the Trump whack-jobs would shoot him and she wanted to see it happen live and I told her how terrible that was and what kind of  person says something horrible like that, to want to see someone get assassinated and she shrugged, Not assassinated;I just said shot... luckily nothing of the kind happened and it all went well and the thought also occurred to me I wonder how atheists  take oaths? What do they swear on without holy Scriptures if they don't believe in anything? If they don't believe in the Bible, the Torah, the Qu'ran, the Bhagavad Gita, etc.. I mean, do they just Pinky Swear or do the Cross my heart, hope  to die, stick a needle in my eye..... or what? That reminds me of the 13 YR old when he was younger : we have this game where we try and trick eachother to look and then when the other guy falls for it and looks you say Made Ya Look!  and now so to make sure I'm not tricking him into a Made Ya Look!  to ensure it's not a "trap" he makes me say If I'm lying I hate hippos....if I say something he's unsure of ( eg. It's snowing outside! Come see this!)  so he's knows it's for real and he was saying about in court to get people to tell the truth and to confess and so the police know they're not lying, under oath, Why don't they just have them say The Hippo Thing and I had to explain to him that it's just something we do and that it's not a universally-known , used, or proven way to make sure someone's not lying.

My mother also had her over-the-phone doctor's app't yesterday and he said her bloodwork showed both her cholesteral and blood sugars are high so he adjusted her meds; increasing doses of some and adding new additional ones and asked her if she wants to start injecting  insulin now( she just takes the pills) and she said no, but she's really going to have to start seriously STOP  cheating on her diabetic diet and stop eating all the prohibited sugary foods or else she will eventually end up having to get the injections so hopefully that scared her into smartening up...I was also listening to music on the radio thru Google  Home  Device  and she walks in and just rudely interrupts it by broadcasting and I told her to at least wait until the song is finished first then she huffs, Let me know when I'm 'allowed' to talk!  acting like she was the one who was "slighted" even though she  was the one who was being rude, and the 13 YR old says I'm selfish too when I sing aloud along with my music too just because they don't like it and tell me to stop singing and I just ignore them and sing my little heart out anyway and even though I can't sing it brings me joy and they're NOT my "boss" and I won't let them try and take away my joy from me.

The gov't also announced that on Monday most of the schools( except Toronto area) are going back after being off since before Christmas, so they had something like 5-6 weeks off for Christmas break, even though the so-called "pandemic" is still supposed to be "bad" enough that we're all under lockdown, house arrest, all stores and restaurants and other businesses forced to close, and State of Emergency.....yet it's not  so "bad" that schools can  go back? Which one is it? It conflicts and is so inconsistent they're just so full of shit it's so obvious I don't know why more people don't see it; they're so blind, so conditioned, so brainwashed, so indoctrinated, so complacent, so compliant, and our washing machine is broken too and keeps leaking in a big flood all over the kitchen floor too; it's happen the past 2 times we've put a load thru  so I don't know if maybe there's a sock or a dead mouse or something stuck in there somehwere and it can't drain or what and I had trouble turning it off; I thought  I did but then it started back up again and there I was frantically scrambling around pushing buttons trying to get it to stop, to stop gushing water out and it just kept coming and my hubby was working and wouldn't come help and I just hate  these complicated Smart appliances! They're just so confusing! The 17 YR old eventually got it figured out and managed to shut it off somehow. I just want a simple easy machine that you can turn on and off clearly and easily. All this "tech" stuff  is just waaaay beyond me. I need an appliance that's stupid, like me, not one that's smarter than I am!


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