Saturday, January 23, 2021

Rescue Hose.

As you know if you read my post from a few days ago our washing machine isn't working( or rather it seems the drain) as it floods the floor during the rinse cycle and it would seem that something is stuck in the drain pipe( sock? dead mouse? mouse nest?) blocking it so the water backs up and floods. We did call a plumber yesterday morning and he was supposed to have gotten back to us sometime later yesterday but of course he never did( our typical luck) and so in the meantime we still have to do laundry so my clever hubby came up with this smart idea to improvise and use the hose from the pool vacuum  and attach it to the washer instead, bypassing the normal drainage route, redirecting the water from the machine and having it run thru the hose outside thru the back door into the yard (instead of flooding onto the kitchen floor), the only thing about this is the back door has to be kept open for the duration and it's *cold* esp. on a day like today when it's - 22 C out! You can see the photo I took of it here to get an idea what it looks like. Inconvienent, yes, but necessary as we have to do laundry. My mother's furious at the plumber too and she's also really entitled too and thinks everyone is there to serve her and raged he Sure better come today and  he better NOT charge me extra for working on a Saturday,either!! and when he didn't call her yesterday she called him back again just to make sure you didn't forget about me, and whenever she calls anyone she always starts off stating her name, This is---------- as if they'd even have any idea or even care who she is; she's just so annoying, and so over-the-top and overbearing, and just so....much. It makes me cringe.I just hope he comes soon and it doesn't cost too much and I'm just glad he can even come at all with the crazy lockdowns and restrictions they say no one can come into your house other than who lives there,etc.

Yesterday I cut Buddy's nails( which he hates but he's a good boy and lets me do them and sits still just like for his bath) and as soon as I was done he was in a hurry to get out of there but instead of waiting for me to lift  him down off the couch ( due to his advanced age and arthritis and spinal issues I don't let him jump up and down furniture or go up and down stairs; I lift him up and down and carry him) like normal he jumped off himself and on the way down he hit his face on the hard wooden arm part of the couch and yelped and I noticed he was slurping and licking and then saw a blood stain on the carpet so I inspected his mouth and saw his 2 bottom teeth were on the verge of coming out; they were pretty much knocked out and just hanging there by a thread! (He already lost his 2 top teeth awhile ago) and it was bleeding so I took him into the bathroom and put a cold wet washcloth on it to stop the bleeding and to soothe the pain and luckily he's still eating so it hasn't affected his ability to eat or chew and his leg's better now too and he's back to lifting it again when he pees and he doesn't have to squat anymore. Poor old guy. I know exactly how he feels though. I'm old and broken and all falling apart,too. I feel like an old jalopy that needs a complete overhaul. We're a good pair!

My mother also got my hubby get  snacks last night at Harvey's  because we had coupons and the burgers were only 3$  and they both know  that I always get a burger and onion rings at Harvey's; that that is my same meal I always get for the past 30 years or so at Harvey's and they both know it.....and he comes back with just a burger ( I actually have cheeseburgers but they charge something like 2$ for a slice of cheese so I just use my own cheese and heat it up; I'm not getting ripped-off and paying an extra 2$ for a slice of cheese when we have cheese at home) and so I said Where's my onion rings? and he gets really mad and starts ripping into me that I'm ungrateful  and always complain and am never happy etc... when he was the one that forgot part of my meal and I always  get onion rings and felt ripped-off( and he  gets mad too when his order gets wrong or his food is messed up too) and then my mother snarled for me to take her onion rings just so you'll shut-up!! and said that she told him to just get me the burger and not the onion rings, and I'm like, What the f*ck? Who are you to tell him or anyone what to get or not get for me? Stop treating me like I'm one of the kids!! She really is a piece of work! I hate my family.

I remember as well one of the kids saying before that they were brought up not to show emotion as it was seen as a weakness and being childish and it was never anything "official" but I never let them see me cry; it's always something that I do in pivate in my room but more so because it's something personal and private and not something I want an audience  for; it's embarrassing for one, plus it does  show weakness and in most cases it's usually them that did or said something that caused  it and I don't want them to know how badly they hurt me, how much they "got" to me, to know how much they broke me, as it gives them an advantage; a weapon they can use against me,  and when the kids were little I tried to hide my inner struggles and turmoils from them and not display my fears, worries, anxieties, etc. openly as I didn't want to burden them; I didn't want to scare and worry them as they were just kids and deserved to have a happy worry-free childhood as much as possible and didn't need to see their broken mother crying every day. They saw me display other  emotion though; just never crying. That was always in private. Only my dog and God ever see me cry but they get to see it alot.


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