Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Plumbers.

Yesterday morning 2 plumbers came to check out and see what the problem was why our washing machine wasn't draining. They were only here about 30 minutes or so but they were able to find the problem: the drilled down into the drain pipe  25 feet and threaded their new 2 week-old cable down and found where the problem was: are you ready for it?.......

tree roots!!

Yup, it was tree roots! Tree roots had grown into the drain pipe and also ruined their new cable at the same time and they showed us the roots all twisted around as they'd pulled it back up so they somehow cleared it away and got the pipe unclogged so we can do laundry without it flooding the kitchen floor, but.... they also said that there's more;  that more of our plumbing pipes that go around part of the house also have tree roots growing into them too; that this was NOT the only  one but they can't dig and access them(it's a much bigger job and the ground is frozen since it's winter) until summer and that it costs a minimum 500$-1K depending on how extensive it is which they won't know until they start....oh,shit....yet another expense we don't have the $$$ for but whatever income-tax refund we get this year is going to have to go towards that; last year it was to pay for the rotten tree we had to get cut down; it's always something every  year; it always has to go to pay for some repair or other house expense; we never have any "extra" $$$$ to save or to use for something fun. Even this plumbing call cost 200$ we have no idea where the $$$ is going to come from ( they automatically charge 75$ for the call even before they do anything) and as soon as they left I tried to do a load of laundry but it wouldn't work and I thought to myself, Oh, f*ck, what now? This is all I need! and I tried a few times and I never got any water and then my mother said maybe they forgot to turn the water back on before they left and I, of course, have no idea where that even is or how to turn it on so I called my hubby and he checked and sure enough that's all it was, thank God and he turned it back on and it worked; we were worried we'd have to call the plumbers back again!

I also notice as well at times Buddy makes wheezing sounds when he's breathing and sometimes even sounds like he has a stridor so maybe in his old age he has lung issues(like I do) or perhaps heart issues, or maybe both, and I haven't had any more of those chest pains but the abdomenal pain is still there and the arthritis pain is back again after not being too bad for awhile, and I saw on the news last night too the news cameraman was approached by the cops as he was setting up his equipment to cover an anti-mask protest downtown in Toronto and he was threatened with being arrested under the State of Emergency saying the media is not an "essential service" ( even though it has been deemed as such) and he shouldn't be out and has to leave immediately or be arrested( he was wearing a mask BTW and there was no one else in sight; it was an hour before the protest was to begin) and they just don't want people to know about the protest, trying to censor  the news coverage ,proving what a Police State it really has  turned into, that I was right all along and with the protest maybe finally some people are also finally starting to open their eyes and see it now,too, and I bet even with the vaccine they'll still somehow find a way to keep denying our rights and freedoms and the mask mandates and the lockdowns will still continue on they'll just keep making up more and more "excuses" to keep us in compliance and submission; it will probably never  go away and go back to normal the way it used to be; they'll keep finding new "reasons" to keep it because once they take your freedom away they don't give it back.


1.Move to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, or North Korea.

2. Go to a sports event or country music concert.

3. Eat dog meat.

4. Worship Satan.

5. Vote Liberal.

6. Give up chocolate, music, or weed.

7. Wear a thong.

8. Have an abortion.

9. Make a bomb joke at the airport.

10. Find love.


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