Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Dumbest Day Ever.

Today has got to be the dumbest day ever: Groundhog Day;  the day you can "predict" whether or not it will be an early spring depending on not if the groundhog when emerging from his burrow sees his shadow or not and there's this whole big thing made out of it and the city officials dress up like complete, total and utter buffoons and the whole thing is just so stupid and ridiculous! it's as stupid as one of the dumbest movies  ever, too, also by the same name Groundhog Day, with Bill Murray. That's the dumbest thing ever, to think if a rodent sees its shadow or not can tell if spring will be early or not. Who is dumb enough to actually believe such a thing,anyway, and why such a big thing about it every year? It's nothing more than an dumb old superstition! No different than the Evil Eye, or the Black Cat, or walking under a ladder or shattering a mirror or many other ridiculous superrstitions. Other than the past few days we haven't had a bad winter though and until now it hasn't been that cold and we haven't really had much snow so we really can't complain and we're already into February. We had it pretty good this year. Not like last year where it was really cold and we had lots and lots of snow. It seems to alternate every second year; be bad one year and then mild the next and then alternate. The same with summer,too.

I'm also soooo congested yesterday and today( with always just the left side blocked, weird, I know) it feels like I'm drowning and I can hardly breathe, like my throat and nose  is filling up with gunk and I have this really bad hacking cough now too it's like the Old Man Cough  my BFF and I used to make fun of when we were kids and imitate for laughs only now it's me doing it for real, but smoking weed helped that too, inhaling the warm smoke eased the congestion, melting whatever was blocking in there and made it easier to breathe for awhile, and I also ordered more and got free shipping this time as they had a special free shipping on oreders over 99$ and it only saves 4$ but still....and even when I used to have $$$ before I still used to like to save $$$ when I could and still didn't like to be ripped-off, or pay for stuff when I didn't have to or be over-charged, and the 19 YR old had left a project for school in a classroom as well but whe she went back it was gone and she thought the Mean Girls had done something with it and she had to scramble and spend 5-6 hours re-doing it all as the assignment was due right away but it turned out someone had just cleaned the room and had just put it away, but the updated version ended up to be even better than the original!

I also realized that my hubby is a classic  narcissist.  It's so clear the way he treats me and how he's so cold, selfish, self-serving, arrogant and always demeans, dismisses, berates, belittles, gaslights, mind-f*cks, devalues, blames, and twists everything around onto me, etc. it explains everything and why he behaves the heartless cruel way he does and emotionally, mentally, and psychologically abuses me, and now schools in Toronto are set to return on the 8th too after being off since before Christmas due to the Corona virus so then *logically* they should also lift the lockdown too because, afterall, if it's safe enough to open the schools then obviously it's safe and there's no danger......but we all know  there's still going to be some excuse they'll find to keep extending it....


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