Friday, February 12, 2021

Fun Facts About Me.


1. I can turn my eyelids inside-out and can bend my thumbs all the way down so they touch my arms flat.

2. My fave. dog breed is Chihuahuas ( and I've bred them) but the dog that I love the most is a Dachshund.(my Buddy-Boy!) 💗

3. I have always been multilingual. I can remember even as far back as grade 3 speaking German, and French in grade 5, Arabic from grade 9 and of course Russian. I even think and dream in other languages,too,and I can't even imagine what it must be like to only know one language.

4. I have weird crooked bent baby toes and all the kids inherited them,too.

5. The first time I smoked marijuana I was 47 years old.

6. I have been to 37 countries so far and I want to do more if the Big Brother gov't ever allows travel again...

7. I love reading.

8. I have a very strong Sixth Sense and instinct and it's never wrong.

9. I hate berries, coffee, avocado, seafood, olives, broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, liver, and milk.

10. I can do a Donald Duck voice

11. Jamaica is my spiritual home.

12. I was That Kid in school that was always called "weird". ostracized and bullied and then not until I was in my 40's I was finally diagnosed with Asperger's and bipolar.

13. Tall, dark, and handsome is the kind of guy I swoon over.

14. Hippos are my fave. animals and I can relate to them.

15. I have attempted suicide 6 times.

16. My fave kind of movies are comedies.

17. I have something like 13 or so tattoos(I've lost count)

18. I've had depression and migraines since I was 13.

19. I wish I was someone else.

20. The only one that loves me is my dog.


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