Saturday, February 20, 2021

Happy Birthday To My Best Friend!!

Today is Buddy birthday! He's 15 which would be 105 in Dog Years! he's a really  Old Fart! I'm an Old Fart,too, so I'm one to "talk" but he's an even older Old Fart than I am! His hernia on the inner side of his leg and balls and groin area is much bigger now too maybe also why he's limping more and walking slower and maight even explain that time he had the bit of blood the other day( but nothing more since) too? Or, maybe it's something more dark and sinister,too, like prostate cancer or something, esp. given his advanced age, but he's made it this far and having him in my life is the best  thing to ever happen to me and is an answer to prayer and a gift from God, I prayed He sends me someone to love me and He did, plus not only love but selfless, unconditional love, and, in turn, he has also taught me so much more about love, compassion, friendship, etc. too and not only given me love, friendship, companionship, healing and brought love, joy, light, and happiness into my life but also made me  a better person for it, too, and he and won't wake up one day and suddenly decide that he doesn't love me anymore, unlike the kids. I've had him since he was 8 and my only regret is that I didn't have him sooner so I'd have him even longer to love. He's the best friend I've ever had and the best thing to ever happen to me.

Yesterday I came back from the store but had to pee so badly I just dropped the bags on the floor and ran to the bathroom before having a chance to put them away(I just kicked off my boots and ran) and Buddy decided to be a nosey-parker and go help himself and he poked his cute snoot  into one of the bags and found his toy I got for his birthday present and took it out holding it in his mouth and just trotted off, the sassy old boy! I know the steak was his birthday gift but I just had  to get him a toy,too, because he's my Sweet Boy and I love him and he deserves the best. I got him a flat beaver furry toy that looks like a roadkill and it has 4 squeakers on it. It'll end up being the best 6$ I ever spent. This morning I was also woken up by baad abdomenal pain(so bad I had to grab my vape pen and take a couple of hits to ease the pain) and this time it felt like those piercing gas pains, the ones that feel the most similar to labour pain, the closest thing and my congestion is still so bad too the left side of my nose is still all blocked and I can't smell out of that side and my taste if "off" again too and my pierogies had no flavour and tasted like  bland rubber and mush, and it often feels like I have a "lump" in my throat as well and the pain in lower back is much worse now too I wonder if something is even maybe pressing on my spine or something?

We got more snow yet again and I just love the sparkling glitter of the top layer as it sparkles and shines at night in the moonlight and it makes me think of fairy dust,  and what I miss the most about our old Toronto house too is the old-fashioned Clawfoot bathtub and one of my dreams if I ever come into $$$$ or have $$$ ever again by any other means is to get another Clawfoot tub again as those things cost something like a thousand bucks or so and then there's also the cost of having the old tub torn out and the new one put in plus the renovations that go with it and the plumbing....we haven't got the $$$$ for that.

I laughed my ass of yesterday too more than I think I ever have at anything before: I saw kids being referred to as crotch fruit. I just about died I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Maybe it was because I was stoned, or because I'm on the Spectrum, I don't know, or maybe it's just funny. Either way it was the kind of thing you can't stop laughing at and you laugh so hard you almost pee your pants. It's been a long time since I had a good laugh like that though and I really needed it. The 13 YR old also asked how can I possibly know the lyrics to so many songs( as I'm always singing along to songs which drives the kids nuts and they hate but I've got the music in me and I won't let them kill my vibe) and it wonders me too because my memory and forgetfulness is so bad and getting worse that now I have trouble even trying to remember the names of characters in TV shows I've been watching for years!

I also found out that a store in town was busted for selling meth,once again proving what a low-class redneck shithole town this place isand if my piece-of-shit computer went any slower than it already does it would be going in reverse so if one day I'm suddenly not here and I've stopped posting you'll know why; my computer has finally died. Either that or I've died. That big snowstorm in Texas that's wrecking havoc is also what we here in Canada simply call winter.

Buddy Fact: He is a short-haired Miniature Dachshund.

Buddy Fact: Dachshund means Badger Dog  in German and they were bred originally as hunting dogs to flush out badgers and rabbits out of burrows.

Buddy Fact: Of all of my dogs I've ever had, Buddy is the best and my all-time fave! 💗💖

Buddy Fact: If you don't greet him when you arrive in the house he will bark at you until you acknowledge him.

Buddy Fact: He will come and tell me if he's hungry or has to go outside to go to the bathroom.

Buddy Fact: Just like his hooman Buddy loves sitting out in the sun feeling it on his face.

Buddy Fact: Buddy also likes ice-cream and has a sweet-tooth,too!

‘Fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches.’”- Alice Roosevelt Longworth


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