Monday, February 8, 2021

Nice Jewish Boy.

The 26 YR old got these socks from the 21 YR old as a gift( even though he's not Jewish, that's what makes it even funnier) and to make it even more ironic is that he got them for a Christmas gift, a Christian holiday, among a pack of several high-end fancy socks as he loves socks, needed socks, and also happens to be a prankster, and so yesterday he decided to wear them to work....and I was all eager at the end of his shift to find out how everyone reacted.....but it turned out that no one even noticed. It also reminds me of this certain TV commercial that often airs during the news of this lawyer with an obviously Jewish name and my mother and I always comment how I bet he's a nice Jewish boy... Yesterday my abdomenal pain was also reeaaaally  bad( it has been for the past few days but yesterday was extra bad) and so when my hubby went out for what I thought was for groceries( which takes a long time) so I went out the front( as it was snowing and I needed a roof for shelter so my light wouldn't keep getting put out) and smoked a doobie for pain...and wouldn't you just know it with my  "luck" the f*cker came back home early and there he was, pulling into the driveway as I was sitting there peacefully puffing away and I was like, Oh, f*ck! What is he doing back so soon? and he was mad,too,and over-did the coughing and complaining act, etc. but to my credit though I did think he would be gone for awhile( as I know he doesn't like the smell) and thought I'd have at least another hour or so to give the smoke time to clear away before he got back. He almost made me feel like a guilty little kid that got busted smoking! Funny,too, while he was gone the 13 YR old asked me, Where's the old man? and I assumed he meant him but he was talking about the dog!

Buddy was also extra clingy( he wouldn't leave my side, not even for a second) yesterday too and whining and his tail was down and he was really wound-up, nervous and scared as well and indicated to me he was afraid, and that he could sense that something bad was going to happen soon and I wonder what it is?  Am I going to have another seizure soon and he can sense it coming on, like maybe my body gives off a certain scent beforehand and he can smell it, or perhaps either he or I are dying or maybe even some upcoming natural disaster he can sense, or what? He turned on the laptop as well, and washing my face looking in the mirror I also noticed my jaundice is worse now and both my skin and whites of my eyes are yellow now so my liver failure must be getting worse and yesterday we had McDonald's for lunch too and I started to have chest pains as I was eating and said to myself, How ironic if you have a heart attack and died eating a Big Mac, you fat hippo! and today is soooo cold as well ( - 19 C before  the wind-chill!) that song I Can't Feel My Face comes to mind and I noticed a Tragically Hip song had been added to my playlist as well and I can't stand them so somebody obviously put  it there just to piss me off and so now I have to try and figure out how to delete it!

I had these cold capsules in my pocket as well to take upstairs to my room for the night for when I get congested during the night only without having to stagger all the way down 3 flights of stairs when I'm half-asleep to get the pills only I forgot they were in there and they went thru the laundry and I found them in the dryer and the gel coating had all melted off but the rest was still there so I still took one but I could taste it, and it was soooo gross and left this yucky bitter aftertaste but it still worked and relieved the congestion, and I'm not just going to throw them away; we can't afford to waste $$$ afterall, and it concerns me as well how manipulative the 26 YR old is too and how he has no empathy and it worries me he might have some sort of personality disorder and I'm f*cked-up too but at least I realize it and I'm working on trying to be better and I realized as well between my Asperger's and my mental illness that I'm probably the kind of person that's best living and being alone with just my dog as with the side-effects of them( eg. meltdowns, breakdowns, rigid thinking, tantrums, mood swings, trouble relating and bonding to people, etc.) people grow tired of me and end up getting fed-up with me and  discarding me eventually anyway,and( according to the kids, anyway) apparantly I cause hurt and damage and don't even realize it and I certainly don't mean it or intend  to and I don't even know I'm doing  it and then I feel so awful, so horrible, so guilty, so remorseful, so ashamed, like the biggest piece of shit in the world, etc.  when it's brought to my attention, so it's probably best left on my own, away from others, where no one can get hurt.

I had a thought as well: in Hinduism they have Triune gods as well: Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva, and it sounds just like the Christian Trinity dogma, of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so maybe that's where they got the idea from originally, from the Hindu legend, and I thought as well Vishnu, with 4 arms, must have to always go around topless too as he'd have a really hard time otherswise trying to find shirts having 4 arms and all, and now I changed the Google Home device to say it's Sofa King Retarded or Sofa King Stupid  or Sofa King Mental. Now say it slowly and you'll get it. One thing I don't "get" either and I think is stupid is Cancel Culture ; ruining someone's reputation and career because they get exposed saying or doing something offensive or having some weird kink( and no one's perfect and we all make mistakes and we should forgive people and give second chances and allow them to redeem themselves and make amends) and celebs having their publicist, talent agency, etc. drop them; I mean if we boycotted every celeb because they were an asshole then there would hardly be anyone left because most of them are, and I can separate someone's personal life from their professional life and even if they are a shit of a human being still doesn't mean that I can't appreciate their art. It's like the mobsters, for example; they can be ruthless at their job but that doesn't mean that they aren't loving kind parents to their kids. One has nothing to do with the other. They are 2 separate roles. I noticed the 17 YR old got new shampoo and it appears she has other things strategically placed all around it as well as if to "check" and see if anyone else uses it as if  it's used, for example, and put back again things won't be in the exact same position so then she'll know it's been disturbed, and then therefore someone's touched it. It's that old spy tactic, such as to see if someone's been inside your house; put a hair across your door top and if anyone's been inside while you were out it will be gone and if it's still there upon your return no one's been inside.

Life is like a book: when one chapter ends, another one begins.


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