Saturday, February 13, 2021

Sofa King Cold!!

It is just sooooo f*cking cold out there, poor Buddy can hardly be out too long to go pee before his little paws just get too cold and he collapses and I have to pick him up and carry him back inside. It's also his birthday next week and he turns 15 which is old for a dog although not uncommon in Dachshunds so for his gift I got him a top-quality steak because I love him and he's worth it. Steak is his fave. food and he has enough toys and just got one 2 months ago for Christmas so I thought he'd like this. It's been -25C for days now( even worse -45C for the Edmonton Boys!) and we're getting lots of snow lately too after hardly having any for November, December, and January; maybe something like only 3 snowfalls and not that bad, and mild weather,too, but we're sure getting it all now, the snow and the freezing temps so Feb. is  our winter but it generally is the coldest month anyway. It's days like this I wish my family would take pity and have some mercy on me too and let me smoke inside, and I just wasn't made for this cold; I'm meant for the tropics and I'm in the wrong country! I wonder if I could put up a GoFundMe page so I could go back to Jamaica?  I also noticed my arthritis is much worse lately too and I'm sure it must have something to due with the bitter cold(it's not so bad in the summer heat) and my hubby said Of course, why do you think all the old people move to Florida?  I didn't like Florida though(I've been there 3 times) it's too humid and has too many rednecks! That place is just crazy,too; all kinds of weird shit always goes down in Florida! It must be all the inbreeding!

Yesterday one of my cousins ( who is just in his 40's; the one who also needs a kidney transplant) had heart surgery and he was scared he might die but he got thru it safely, thank God, and our neighbours still have their Christmas lights on too and I wonder if they're like the drug dealers we had on our street before that had theirs up all year as well and would turn them on as a signal to their customers that they were open for business, and my hubby said he knows someone whose kid got 4000$  in their red envelopes for the Chinese Lunar New Year,too! I wish I was Chinese! It's also National Hippo Day on Monday and of course I will be celebrating accordingly, and Family Day as well and even though our area is opening up( with restrictions such as only 25 people allowed in a restaurant so they still lose like 75% of their business!) all the restaurants are closed on Mondays(what kind of dumb-ass decided to make the family holiday on a Monday when all the restuarants are closed? Where is everyone supposed to go out to eat?) so we still can't go out to eat and still have to order in! Shit!You have no idea how much I am craving going to eat-in and sit down at a restaurant to have a nice dinner!

They also post-poned the kids' March Break  1 week school holiday in the province from mid-March to mid-April now and no one is happy about it, not the teachers, not the teacher's unions, not the principals, the school boards, the kids, or the parents, and, in fact, parents said f*ck that, they're still keeping their kids at home or travelling as planned and they still need a break. The idea is to keep people from travelling but everyone is just so sick of this and all the restrictions and limiting of our freedoms and don't they know the more restrictions they put on us the more we're going to rebel? I can still remember too when my hubby first told his family about me they asked What does she do? (for a living) and he said She shops which is so damn funny but also true and now the 19 YR old is just like me, and the 17 YR old said several guys have asked her out for Valentine's Day too (she's so lucky even though she thinks it's "annoying" as I never got asked out and always wished I had) and one keeps pestering her so I told her to just pretend she's gay and tell him she likes girls and that should do the trick. It's an age-old well-proven tactic.She asks me how do I know since I never dated or got asked out (my hubby is the only one who was ever interested) and I told her, Just because I didn't play the game doesn't mean I don't know the rules!

I was disappointed too to hear The Boss (Bruce Springsteen) was arrested for drunk driving! What the actual f*ck? What an asshole! There's never excuse for that, and you'd think with all his $$$$ he could afford to hire a full-time driver! If you want to get wasted and not have a hangover just smoke weed! (but still don't drive, for f*ck's sake!) I realized as well I've only taken 2-3 domestic flights( for moving or visiting) and all the others have always been international as there's nothing here really worth seeing here, and I've always been multi-lingual,too, and I can remember as far back to at least grade 3 speaking German, and French from grade 5, Arabic in grade 9, and of course Russian, and I even think and dream in other languages too and to me if just would seem weird to only know one language. The 19 YR old also just started her new job a few days ago and she already got a raise, and self-care involves listening to good music and  smoking a Big Fatty.

It's better to forget than live with regret.


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