Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Chair.

After looking for a new reclining chair to replace his sad old broken falling-apart one for over a year now my hubby finally found one! (seen in the photo here). He had been looking but then the "pandemic" hit and stores were closed and inventory was low plus he's also really picky and finances are also limited and it also has to be the right size and match with the rest of the livingroom decor which is tan, sapphire blue and cherrywood.  His youngest brother happens to work at a furniture store in another town and he knows what he's been looking for and he called him saying something came in that sounded right so he went in and saw it and this is it; it met all his criteria and apparantly also comes with all thse fancy "bells and whistles"(I have no idea what, nor do I care as I'll never be using it anyway; I'm just lucky and grateful I get a heated seat in the car which does wonders for my bad back and arthritis!) but the issue as always was the colour as my hubby is colour blind. He always denies this, of course, but everyone else knows  that he is and he can't tell one colour from another and he mixes them up, such as thinking a red is brown, or that pink is purple or that they all look the same or -get this one- ha ha- there's only one shade of white,and when he plays his Dr.Mario game(he's obsessed with that thing!) he's always saying how they always get their colours wrong, so of course whenever you send him off to the store for something you know you can't trust him to come back with the right colour and you always have to send someone else(usually it was the 17 or 19 YR olds) along with him to verify it's the right colour and they always end up coming back home with stories of how Papa was going to get the wrong colour again...

Also what we do is he e-mails me a photo of the item to double-check because I told him my only concern is that it matches the rest of our decor and colour scheme of the room and if it doesn't then it goes back. Our walls are painted a sapphire blue and the carpet is tan with a tan and brown Persian rug in the middle and the furniture is French Provincial(couch and 2 chairs) in tan with a Louis XV chair with the embroidering mostly in tan, and a wingback chair in tan and blue, and another embroidered couch with Queen Anne legs matching the Louis XV chair, plus a Queen Anne-style coffee table and the Grandfather clock, cabinet, and piano in Cherry wood along with his old recliner which is also tan and the TV on the wall. He tried to send me a photo but it never came thru and I kept running back and forth to check my e-mail and he kept sending it but his phone is a piece of shit(just like my computer) and is slow so his brother tried a photo on his phone and sent it and I eventually got it and the photo is above and here on the post it looks more tan but in my e-mail it looked grey which concerned me so my hubby handed the phone to a lady in the store and she described it to me as "taupe" and when I described our decor she said it should blend in nicely. She was likely actually a saleslady just trying to sell an item but we'll see. It gets delivered on Wednesday.

I'm worried about Buddy today,too: this morning around 5 am he woke me up he kept gagging and making retching, hacking noises and kept opening his mouth like he was yawning, and kept panting, as if he was having trouble trying to get his breath and every monring now for the past few days he sits up on my lap as I eat breakfast and has been extra cuddly and clingy and won't leave my side and I wonder too if my family has ever considered how I'm going to react and what my Endgame is when Buddy dies? There's only one logical conclusion and one way it can end and I've had it planned for a long time I just have to wait for the right moment. He is  my life and my reason to live and what keeps me anchored and holding on, the reason I get up each day, the only one who's really ever loved me, my reason for living, the only one that needs me, depends on me or even wants me around, and without him I have nothing, no one left. No purpose or meaning in my life anymore. I noticed as well I have gone thru different stages in my life as well and when one stage ended a new one begun but now I am in The Final Act.

I also put the dying rose petals(my hubby did get me for Valentine's Day afterall which surprised me as I'm lucky to just get a card and I haven't had flowers in years so my guess is he either saw the card I gave him and felt guilty so he quickly ran out last minute to get it for me or it was actually meant for his mistress but she wasn't home so he had to give it to me instead; what else was he going to do with it and how else would he explain it?) I had in my bath this morning to soak in luxury( enjoy the little things in life) and put some in a jar of olive oil as well to save turning into a sweet-scented rose oil for body moisturizer, and I opened up my new chocolates yesterday as well and one was missing before I even had any(I counted them so I knew) so either some f*cker in my family took one without asking or else someone at the store had stolen one before I bought it and I didn't notice( if so that would figure; I'm always that unlucky one that gets broken defective products or with pieces missing) and I heard on the news too immigrants often get into redneck hockey trying to assimilate and fit in too but I was born  here  and I hate  hockey and I never even pretended  to like it to fit in; I like what I like and don't like what I don't like, and lately(esp. when I wake up) my mouth is just sooooo dry and parched; my tongue, lips and mouth, it feels like a shrivelled dried up plant, so I wonder if I'm maybe dehydrated, something to do with my failing kidneys perhaps? I doubt it's diabetes though as my doc tests me for it every 6 months when I see him and it was OK the last time I saw him 3 months ago... My taste is still "off" too, and my pizza just tasted really salty yesterday and my wrap tasted like plastic!

I'm older now but still runnin' against the wind- Bob Seger


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