Friday, February 19, 2021

Tired Of Tyranny.

Remember how just last week( or was it just this  week, I can't remember; my mind is shit  and I basically have the 3 second memory of a goldfish) the Powers The be decreed they were finally giving us a little tiny bit of our freedom back in this so-called overblown "pandemic" by slowly starting some areas to re-open following the lockdown? Well....Now (once people started to get a tiny little bit of getting a carrot dangled in front of them....) all hope has been quickly snatched away as now they're using more fear-mongering once again( saying there's new variants now, even worse than the others!) trying to "justify" going back  to lockdown measures and stay-at-home orders and Emergency measures, etc. all the Fascist non-democratic tyrannical  methods commonly used to control a population thru fear, and guess what? it's working!! All the mindless sheeple blindly just follow the herd without question, without thinking, assuming Big Brother Nanny-State gov'r knows what's "best" for them and is just keeping them "safe" afterall, not realizing the entire time that they're just controlling  them, basically indoctrinating them and brainwashing  them thru State sponsored propaganda and fear-mongering.

Me, however, I happen to think for myself (and also happen to be a free-spirit as well, which clashes with man-made rules and regulations; I just want to be left free to be able to do my own thing), and I'm really sick and tired  of always being mandated to do this and that, always being told what to do all the time,where I can and can not go,who I can and can't have in my own house, what I can and can't do, prohibiting me from travelling, denying me freedom of assembly, mobility, association, etc. I am a free individual  and I balk at unfair, unreasonable, unjust, oppressive, immoral rules or laws and I always speak up against injustice and oppression and have never been one to sit still or silently(I've been told that my father was the same and my mother hated that about him; being such a "big mouth") when I see injustice. LIVE FREE OR DIE!!

I kept hearing on the news some famous talk show guy died as well(I've never even heard of him) and everyone kept saying how happy they were and Rest in piss etc. and being really vile and hateful even though you're not supposed to speak ill of the dead as it's really disrespectful, so either the guy must have been a real asshole or people are just really mean, and I also say the headline that some so-called famous woman is pregnant and I've never even heard of her, Christine something-or-other I think it was, I have no idea, and I was like OK, but who the f*ck is  that? so I figure that means that I'm either (1) old (2) out of touch (3) not cool or (4) Simply don't care about stupid so-called "famous" people.(5) all of the above.

It's been just over a week since I had that seizure in my sleep and the chest pains started so I guess it wasn't a heart-attack(so I gave up on that idea) and must be something else but I still get the pains on and off daily and yesterday my abdomenal pain was the worst it's been too; white-hot pain sooo bad I thought I was going to pass-out I just smoked some weed to ease the pain and had a nap and it's still here today and my stomach was really nauseated as well, just like it was on Wednesday, which actually made fasting for Ash Wednesday easier though with no appetite, and I'd almost forgotten Lent had started too, it just sort of snuck up on me, and had to quickly re-arrange my meals all around and what I'm giving up for Lent this year is all hope of me ever being pretty, happy, thin, loved, smart, rich, good enough, worthy, sane, etc. and I've had lots of practice! I wonder with my bad abdomenal pain too if I might even have some sort of parasite maybe I picked up at the beach in the Caribbean, or even here walking around barefoot all summer, or maybe even digging in the soil planting my sunflowers, or even just picking up Buddy's turds during his walks?

 Maybe we both  even have it, which might also explain his abdomenal pain and rectal bleeding at times? Yesterday he also had a bit of blood and a timy clot in one of his pees as well ( usually indicating either bladder or kidney issues but it could also be a UTI or he might have just had a little irritation or scab on his willy,too...) The past few days he's also been extra cuddly and "clingy" as well( but I don't mind though; the more hugs, the better!) like in the mornings as I sit at the kitchen table having breakfast now he wants to sit up on my lap with me whereas before he used to go nap in his bed in the livingroom but now he wants up on my lap to cuddle with me as I eat and it's not for the food either as when I offered him a bite of my carrot muffin he refused; he just wanted the company. It's his birthday tomorrow,too; he turns 15 which is 105 in Dog Years! 

How about instead of accepting the things I cannot change I change the things I cannot accept?


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