Saturday, March 13, 2021

4 Days.

The past 4 days(not today; it's back to cold again) it has been so nice and warm, between 8 C and 14 C  Buddy and I have been able to sit outside in the sun for a couple of hours each day and just enjoy.  I have really missed being outside and getting sun and I just loved it and revelled in it so much. It has been the best 4 days I've had and enjoyed in a long, long time and I'm really thankful and grateful and happy for it.Enjoy the little things. It also gives me something to look forward to as spring comes(more and more days like this we can be outside even more and for longer) although at the same time I also know that Mother Nature is a bitch and so I expect one more big snowfall before we really get into spring and the nice weather for good...that's just the way it works: just when you think you're "safe" that's when you get hit with it. Another sign of spring as well: the ants are back in the house again( ants in the spring and summer and mice in the fall and winter) and tonight we have to switch our clocks ahead too I always hate this one as you're always soooo tired for a week or two and I just wish that they'd pick one time schedule and stick  with it and NOT keep switching back and forth twice a year! It's so annoying and so unnecessary!! I'm so autistic as well when we throw away or give away old furniture I always give it a kiss, tell it goodbye and thank it for it's service, and I figure too Coronavirus is just the Flu with a mask on.


If I could change things in my life it would be this:

- I would have both parents

- I would have a stay-at-home mother like all my friends did

- I would have siblings

- I would be pretty(or at the very least at least NOT ugly)

- I wouldn't be molested, bullied,rejected, abused, or excluded

- I wouldn't have Asperger's, bipolar, depression, social phobia, etc.

- I would be attractive and desirable and been asked out on dates, to Prom, etc.

- I would know passion and romance

- I wouldn't have had all the bad luck, trauma, misfortune, and crisis that has plagued me

- I would have a family that loves and supports me

- I would either find my True Love or just stayed single

- I never would have had kids

- I would be happy

Ride it thru into the next day.


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Thought For The Day.