Friday, March 19, 2021

Fun Fact.

Fun fact:
I read the most interesting fascinating thing yesterday on a news site: that conservationists transport rhinos hanging upside-down by helicopter! It's sedated first and then carried in this way to it's new destination as it's actually safer allowing it to be able to breathe at fuller lung capacity oddly when it's on it's back! That would be the oddest, funniest thing though for some guy in Africa be looking up at the sky and to see this rhino flying by overhead, swinging upside-down, like some sort of pinata.That's not something that you see every day, that's for sure. One of my Facebook friends also posted a picture and didn't realize that there was a butt-plug in plain view on a dresser behind him, visible in the photo and everybody was mentioning it(HA!) and my abdomenal pain was sooooo bad yesterday too it felt like my colon was going to explode and I think something crawled up me and died. I also all of a sudden got soooo nauseated just out of nowhere it just hit me and I thought I was going to throw up,and that kind of uncomfortable nausea where you just can't sit still and feel so restless. Ugh!

One of my cousins is Europe also has been having high BP for the past few days as well, like 165-over-something so she was supposed to have seen her doc yesterday but I haven't heard anything(I wonder if they sent her to the hospital for testing or something?) and I wonder if high BP runs in our family too since both my mother and I have it and are on meds for it and a few more of our cousins also have it(as did my mother's mother) and I wonder too if she might also have kidney issues since kidney regulate BP and kidney issues also occur in our family and another cousin said when he gets his dialysis his BP shoots way up as well....hmmmm....does make you wonder....maybe she has kidney issues,too? She also has migraines like I used to, and when Buddy dies I'm going to have him cremated and have his ashes scattered with mine along the beach in Jamaica, my spiritual home and my Happy Place, so we can be together forever.
I also had this spinachi pizza( pictured here) last night with Feta cheese, olive oil, Pesto, onion and tomato (and believe me it was soooooo good!) and it looked like nugs of weed on top and it made me laugh, and someone on my Facebook  Stoners group said they rolled a joint using a discarded shedded snakeskin! I've heard of rolling using rose petals but this is just so....ewwww! hasn't he heard of rolling papers... and just for fun I also wrote dingleberries on the grocery list along with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries just for laughs, just to see if anyone would notice, and yesterday the guy came to fix the water filter and the 17 YR old didn't know he was here as she'd just woken up and she went downstairs to get something out of the freezer and she came back up gasping, There's a guy down there!  It was so funny, poor girl!

Be who you are.


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