Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Today is St. Patrick's Day , also the birthplace of my screen-name Pogue Mahone which is Irish Gaelic for Kiss my arse! I made up the idea to use it for my psuedonymn when I was in Dublin several years ago and the oldest and I also invented an imaginary character together with the same name who has a butt for a face and today is his birthday,too! Yesterday I came across a rare disease as well called Fabry Disease which I have never even heard of before, yet there it was, on my computer screen(it's weird how things always happen like that for me,too; answers to my questions just seem to "magically" appear to me in the most mysterious ways) and it described my symptoms, incl. extreme fatigue, kidney issues, shortness of breath, abdomenal pain, etc. and it's a genetic issue where you're missing an enzyme that basically breaks down fat and it can lead to heart-attack and stroke. I do  already know for a fact that I have the Alpha-1 Antitrypsin enzyme deficiency as it was confirmed in a blood test(and that is also a rare genetic thing that affects liver and lungs where again an enzyme is lacking) so it makes this possibility even more likely as well and I also am known for being that rare unusual one-in-a- million statistic that has these rare medical issues(as well as that rare one-in-a -million where I also get that faulty item or malfunctioning one, etc. too) so it could be possible. I mean, something  is definitely causing all my medical issues that continues to decline, but the thing is the symptoms are similar to so many other things,too....

The 26 YR old also said that my having breast reduction surgery(I had to have twice; once at 18 and then repeated again about 5 years or so ago) means I'm half-trans wanting to get "rid" of my boobs too when really it was because they were so big  and heavy and uncomfortable and gave me back and shoulder pain and knocked everything over when I'd walk past a counter or table and I had trouble finding shirts that would fit; everything was always so tight at the front, and it was embarrassing too, and the 13 and 17 YR old were ' dissing Ozzy Osbourne so I guess I'll have to dis-own them both now,and the 13 YR old asked me what Bob Marley was like too and I told him he was a brilliant and talented musician that wrote hundreds of songs but he was a bad husband because he repeatedly cheated on his wife with several women and fathered many children so it all depends on how you look at it. People are complex.

Do you notice the special treat this little leprechaun found in his pot(pot...get it....ha,ha...) at the end of the rainbow? I also used to smoke weed 2-3 times a week for migraine control and prevention (and I haven't had one in something like 6 years now) but now it's been pretty much daily for pain relief for either back, abdomenal or Rheumatoid Arthritis and next week I have my annual aap't with the doctor to re-new my medical marijuana prescription and like last YR it'll be done by video call over the Internet. My hubby jeers that smoking weed has made me stupid as well but I already was before so HA, and it's the white matter decline in my brain causing it, which the MRI diagnosed 2-3 years before  I even started the weed but he just likes to use that as an excuse, and he has zero  compassion, sympathy, pity, or understanding for my medical issues either and just says I'm lazy and using it an an excuse etc. and yesterday he threatened he wouldn't help me with something,trying to "hold" it over me to use as a form of control but I just told him fine, then, I'll just get someone else to do it and help me instead; I don't have to depend on him, and then the 26 YR snarked, Or you could just learn to do things for yourself! ...yeah, ok, I'll tell that to my autism and see if that changes anything, see if it can "obey" and suddenly be more functional. That's just like telling a blind person to just will  themselves to be able to see, if you just try harder....

I also heard once salmon swim upstream and spawn they quickly deteriorate, mutate and die so basically what they do is screw themselves to death and with Buddy being so old( he's 15) I can't help but feel we're on "borrowed" time  but all I can do is just enjoy each day that he's still here with me and enjoy every day we still have left together, and he's pretty much the only thing in my life that I've never regretted, and also the only one that I know will love me right to the end and will never hurt me, use me, lie to me, betray me, stop loving me, get tired of me, give up on me or leave me. He is my heart. Now Corona virus vaccines are underway the gov't scaring people by saying there's a Third Wave of the virus,(so which one is  it? Do the vaccines not  work then or are they lying about the Third Wave?) trying to "justify" and excuse keeping the mandates, restrictions,and lockdowns in place for even longer, just like I knew and suspected they would do and will probably keep continuing to do. There will always  be something; some excuse why it has to contine on indefinitely. Once they take your freedom and rights away you never get them back.

Turn off the world if it makes you hurt.- Max Webster.


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