Ketchup Post: Catching up on what we've been up to:
- The 21 YR old took the train up from Ottawa over the weekend to see her friend for her birthday so she also came by to visit us too and it was a nice unexpected surprise! It was nice to see her, and funny,too: when the 17 YR old mentioned public transportation she recoiled in disgust and goes, Ewww! I'd never take the bus!!! as if it was the most peasant thing ever, so "beneath" her, so vile and repulsive, as if we'd asked her to eat a raw mouse or something!
- My hubby was yelling at me to shut up and stop talking, being nasty and mean and condescending as always so I screamed back at him if he didn't f*ck-off and stop being such an asshole that he'll find out exactly how loud I can really be and to hurt me he's mean to Buddy,too, just being a petty, childish dick.
- February is also the shortest month yet also it somehow always seems to feel like the longest.
- I heard someone thought that Malcolm X was pronounced Malcolm Ten which reminded me of when my mother thought the band INXS was prounounced Inks instead of In Excess.(and yes, I did laugh my ass off)
- If time travel were possible I'd love to go back to 1969 and attend Woodstock. That would have been epic. I was only 2 YRS old back in 1969.
- We used to order-in pizza every weekend but now the cost of food has gone waaay up so now we just have the shitty inferior frozen pizza and trust me it's NOT the same(or even anywhere near it) and I'm getting really tired of crappy food so I ordered-in my own the other day and it cost 30$ but I was desperate and I was starving and my mother asks, Where did you get the $$$$? Me: From my secret job on the side. Her: What job? Me: My Only Fans account.... (joking, of course) Her: What's THAT? Me: Nevermind...
- The 26 YR old said I'm going to Die from excess. I don't smoke(tobacco) drink alcohol or do drugs(other than medical marijuana) so I guess he must mean excess food(eating is one of life's greatest pleasures afterall, and one of the few I have), excess weed, excess chocolate, and excess music. Nothing exceeds like excess!!
- I realized sadly that I just basically limp thru life. 😢
- A blogger I follow chartered a private jet for her and her family( they have 5 kids) to fly to Florida for the weekend for a getaway from the winter cold and as she called it to be able to fly in freedom without having to wear masks and go thru all the rigid COVID airline regulations and I have to say I was impressed, and even when we used to have $$$$ we never had it to that extent where we'd be able to afford to charter a jet!!! Just wow!!
- I noticed one of the diningroom chairs has a leg missing and it was hidden away in a room buried under a pile of junk so it wouldn't be found I assume and one of the kids obviously broke it and I'm assuming it was probably most likely the 13 YR old as he's destructive and ruins everything and has even destroyed an entire couch before but I'll find out eventually as the truth does eventually come out...
- My abdomenal and back pain is still worsening and the worst it's been and now between a 7.5-8 on the pain scale out of 10 and even with my high pain tolerance now it's starting to get beyond my ability to tolerate it and the pain is so bad I feel like I'm going to puke( and I come close to it) and like I'm going to pass out from the pain and break out into a sweat and chills and just rock back and forth and gasp and wince from the pain, and sometimes it feels like a white-hot stabbing pain and other times it's more like a deep gnawing. I wonder if maybe I might have colon cancer( which does run in my family on my mother's side) or if it's maybe just my Diverticulitis(I was diagnosed with YRS ago thru a CT scan) acting up? Maybe the sacs in my colon are just inflammed?
- I think it's weird too my memory is so bad yet I can still clearly remember that epic party we had over 30 YRS ago that was so loud it shook the house next-door...and yet I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday.
- I noticed my facial asymmetry is getting worse, making me look even uglier, so is it possible I could have had some sort of facial paralysis that somehow went unnoticed or have some fort of facial tumour that's disfiguring it?
- I discovered you can tell when you really hate someone because even the sound of their voice, their laugh, and the sound of them eating chips (incl. the loud rustling sound of the bag!) annoys the hell out of you.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
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