Monday, March 29, 2021

Ketchup Post.

Catching up on things:

-Last night I had saved a banana /chocolate chunk muffin out on my place-setting on the kitchen table for my breakfast this morning and some f*cker stole it! I got up this morning and it was gone so I didn't have any breakfast today! It could have been anyone but if I had to hazard a guess I'd pick most likely the 26 YR old since he's known for even stealing food off people's plates! I could hide it safely up in my room but I don't want to keep food up there because I don't want to attract the mice. Just the idea of mice running around in my room as I sleep really creeps me out.

- Last night I was lighting a candle but I burned myself so as an automatic reflex I dropped it and it landed on Buddy's bed and blankets but luckily it didn't catch fire, thank God, but it extinguished the flame when it fell. I am such a klutz, clumsy oaf and fop!

- A trivia question was What does a band take from the audience? and I thought it was groupies but the real answer was song requests. I really have to stop playing Trivia. My brain really isn't up for it.

I accidently got Louisiana hot sauce in my eye and holyyyyyyy shiiiiit did that ever hurt!

-I had such a splitting massive headache yesterday it lasted all day and even weed just relieved it for about an hour and it wiped me out I pretty much just slept all day and it was soooo bad I even wondered if I was maybe having a stroke or an anuerysm or something.

- Yesterday was Palm Sunday, being a week before Easter but my mind is so addled and foggy I totally forgot until I read it somewhere. I swear, I have the 3 second memory of a goldfish!

- What I'm most excited for Easter next week is all the chocolate and the pumpkin pies!

- Everyone is supposed to have a Back-up Plan/ Alternate Plan in life, mine has always been suicide. Welcome to the world of Bipolar Disorder.

- I remember a story my mother telling me about her father after the war: he had this German friend who complained how come he didn't get Remembrance Day off (it used to be a holiday) when he was in the war,too( he was a Luftwaffe commander) and my grandfather told him, But you were on the wrong side! It's strange for me too to picture that; that just a few years before  he wouldn't have hesitated to shoot and kill that very same man, but now he was his friend. War is horrible, and we're all just people.

- Another story I remember overhearing was that my mother's cousins had FGM( Female Genital Mutilation) done to them: they were living somewhere overseas and my uncle had it done to his daughters when they were young! I don't know why but oh my GOD! isn't that just awful? They're on their second or third husbands now, in case you were wondering....

Onwards and upwards.


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