Monday, March 15, 2021

Pi Day.

Yesterday was Pi Day. You know, that nerdy math thing Pi  3.14 etc. ect. on 14 March, being the 3rd month, the 14th day= 3.14. I know, sooooo nerdy, but it's a big day at our house( even though I actually almost entirely forgot about it until I saw it posted yesterday on Facebook and then I was like, Oh, yeah, Pi Day; that's today?  but both my hubby and the 13 YR old are nerds and the 26 YR old is more of a "Demi-nerd" so in hounour of the Big Day my hubby went out yesterday to the store and bought a cherry pie(and the uncultured Neanderthal that he is he ate the entire thing right out of the box) and the 13 YR old has even memorized 161 digits of Pi  so, of course my hubby, never one to be outdone( and he has this awful competitiveness about him!) memorized 200 digits, and all I know is the basic 3.14 and then it's all just 3.14 whatever,whatever,whatever,yeah,yeah,yeah... after that. I couldn't care less. I hate math! It's the bane of my existance and the only "pi" I care about is pumpkin pie and coconut creme pie! My hubby even made up special nerd T-shirts for Pi Day  too for him and the 13 YR old that they wear for the occasion,too.I call them The Nerd Herd. HA! 

Buddy doesn't have any blood in his shit today making me wonder if maybe it was just the meatloaf as when he has something new or different in his diet is when it seems to happen as he has an "irritable" colon just like I do and at times my abdomenal pain feels like my stomach ulcer pain too so I wonder if you can get ulcers in your colon as well, and when I get a headache or other pain other people would pop a Tylenol but I smoke a joint and now pretty much all of the snow has all melted away the back porch is all covered in roaches( left-over ends of used up joints) that I had stubbed out in snowbanks so yesterday I did a spring cleaning, and with the time-change I'm even more  tired than I usually am too and there's always that one clock that gets forgotten and you don't notice until a day or two later that has the wrong/old time and you have to fix and adjust to the new time. My hubby's so mean as well he likes to taunt me saying Buddy's dying soon and on his last legs etc. since he's old (15) and limps along slowly with his arthritis and it really gets me mad and pisses me off! He's such an asshole!!

The 13 YR old also doesn't like it when I swear but I told him that he shouldn't be offended by the word f*ck; that it's just a word and what he should really be offended by instead  is war, hate, racism,genocide, poverty, oppression, injustice, etc. and I read somewhere too that complaining is a common trait of autism so maybe that's  why, or else that I just have a shitty life too with constant bad luck and misfortune, trauma and unhappiness so I have a good reason  to complain and to be unhappy....or maybe some of both, and I still do  believe in Fairy Tales and Happily Ever After endings, just not for me. I found a fitting name for myself,too: Ugleigh.

On my tombstone when I go just put Death By Rock & Roll. - The Pretty Reckless


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