Friday, March 12, 2021

Remembering My Fave. Shirt.

The other day I was remembering my fave. shirt when I was in grade 6. The one I got at the cheap discount Bargain Harold's store on Coxwell Ave. My BFF and I went together and got the same shirt, and shortly after I also noticed so did my friend D as well as the popular girls P and C! It was a hit! I can still remember it too: it was terrycloth, a hoodie( and this was before hoodies were even a thing or even really existed ). It was very short sleeve, barely even a sleeve at all, and the back was dark orange and the top was orange and white stripes and it had an orange hood and the pocket part at the lower bottom to put your hands in at the front was also orange and it had orange draw-strings at at the hood. I think I paid something like 5$ for it. It also came in a red and white striped version too but I liked the orange one. I loved that thing so much and it was so casual and so comfy but my mother absolutely hated it; she said it looked like a cheap rag and that people would think I was poor; that it looked like it crawled out of a Goodwill donation box  and she was mortified every time I wore it but I just loved that thing and wore it to death and I was so sad when I outgrew it and it got too small and I was unable to wear it anymore. My poor mother though; she bought me cashmere and angora sweaters and all the really expensive stuff( which I still did like) but the cheap little terrycloth hoodie( that was most kily from China) that I got with my own allowance $$$ at the discount store( sort of like Bi Way or Giant Tiger) ended up being the one I liked best! As for Bargain Harold's, it was a staple of my childhood; a store that was always there and I saw every time I'd walk down there and now I think it's long gone, and I remember my friend I ( grade 8 ) saying her older brother P( who I used to have a crush on when I was 14) ended up being a manager there.

The day before yesterday after Buddy came back from his second walk in the morning( it's been really nice lately; 14 C yesterday, so we go for extra walks) he over-did it and couldn't make it back and was hobbling along and winded so I had to carry him half-way back and his back legs gave out from underneath him and he half collappsed and his breathing was laboured I was afraid he was going to have a heart-attack so I cradled him in my arms and cuddled him and let him relax and he eventually fell asleep and had a nap and recharged and then he was better, thank God but I was scared!  I was also woken up out of my nap yesterday at 3 pm by a blinding headache that felt like I had been slammed in the side of my head by a baseball bat and I practically saw stars and even my eyes hurt and I was dizzy and nauseated and then a few HRS later we had a severe storm warning so it must have been that as when the air pressure drops before it rains( and even worse for storms) I get bad headaches(my head is a barometer!) so I always know when it's going to rain. My arthriris is always worse when it rains too but for the past few days it's been warm it's been alot better!

I also wouldn't be surprised if the youngest turns out to be gay but I don't care either and it still doesn't change anything; I just want my kids to find love and be happy, and my hubby screamed at me the other day I don't know why I even take you out anywhere! and I replied I don't know why I even married YOU!!  and he asked me which Black singers do I listen to and when I told him, Well, how about Bob Marley, Lenny Kravitz, Jimi Hendrix...he goes, They don't 'count'; they're 'fake' Black! WTF? Really? Is he serious? and it made me think too what use am I and my life? What useful purose do I serve? To society? To the world? To my family? To anybody? No one likes me or ever wants me around; why am I even here? Why do I even exist? What am I here for?  I saw on Quora  the other day too the funniest thing ever: someone posted a question: Why does Jesus have a Spanish name?  That just made me laugh. It's pronounced Jee-Sus (or if you want to get technical, Yeshua) not Hey-Zeus! That also reminds me of this funny story of when the oldest was a kid and a neighbor boy asked him what his WWJD bracelet meant and he told him What Would Jesus Do and he goes Jesus? Jesus WHO?  and he goes Jesus CHRIST to which the dummy then replied, Who is  Jay-Sus Kreest? and he told him, You know, God's Son! Duh! This is also the same kid that smacked the oldest girl and when she hit him back he ran off crying saying She's a girl! She's NOT supposed to hit me back!

Yesterday was also the 1 year anniversary since the pandemic was officially declared so Happy Birthday Corona virus, and I heard in India groups of beggars go around door-to-door house to house and threaten to hurt themselves if you don't give them money but that would soooo not work on me; I'd just stand there like, Dumbass!!  and slam the door on them and I also heard that there is a private Caribbean island up for auction as well. Ahhhh....if only. My friend P ( from grade 6) also had her birthday the other day and she normally travels but they aren't letting the planes out of the country so this year she had a bunch of friends over instead for a party defying the social gathering restrictions, which she also thinks are stupid, over-blown and unnecessary.

I didn't get "happily ever after." Not even close.


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