Sunday, March 14, 2021

Surprises I Never Knew.

I was surprised when my mother told me that my mean aunt's first husband beat her up; that she was in an abusive relationship! She married him at 18 because all her friends were getting married and she thought he was good-looking but he ended up to be a wife-beater so after 2 kids she finally divorced him and a few years later married the only man I would ever know to be my uncle, the kindest gentlest man ever, that hardly ever even got mad and then they went on to have 2 more kids.. Not only was I surprised to find out that she had been married before but that he beat her up, and esp. considering that she was a tough old broad; I can't even imagine  her putting up with that, with letting anyone smack her around,and, in fact, she's the kind that I could see hitting her husband around! She's always been so brash, so abrasive, so loud, so in-your-face, so opinionated, so bullying, so mean (and she was always picking on me when I was a kid) and she always embarrassed her poor husband out in public loudly telling people off and making a scene, etc.  but then the thought occurred to me that maybe she wasn't always  like that and maybe it was being abused that made her that way? Maybe before that she was a completely different person and it changed her? There's also a saying that the meanest people are also the most unhappy and the most hurt and it's true; you never really know what's going on in someone's life or in their head or what they've been thru or what made them into who they are.Behind closed doors. I was surprised as well when my mother told me that my aunt's second husband, despite being European, was basically illiterate and could hardly read. I never even noticed and couldn't tell so he must have hidden and "masked" it well and I admire him for that because I know how hard that is;trying to cover up and hide who you really are, trying to cover up a disability or deficit you have, desperately hoping no one will be able to tell and won't find out.

PM Trudeau is also considering Vaccine Passports with the Coronavirus for all citizens where you'll need proof of immunization from the vaccine to prove negativity to the virus before you can travel, etc. and it sounds suspiciously of the Mark Of The Beast  forewarned in the Bible Book of Revelation where in the Last Days you won't be able to buy, sell, trade, etc. without this mark but God's people are warned NOT to take it, and I heard the Grammy awards are on as well and as much as I really love music I think awards shows are lame, and this morning Buddy did a bloody diarrhrea on my bedroom carpet and when I took him out this morning it was just bright red blood seeping out of his ass, and getting him was the best thing I ever did and that ever happened to me in my entire life  and I've never  regretted I got him, not even once, but I do regret that I got married and had kids  ! When I first heard March Madness  I also thought it was some really big sale at a shopping mall and I hate it that I miss my regular TV shows for that redneck crap( it's one of my biggest pet-peeves, along with waiting in line and having it buffering when I'm trying to watch a show) and sadly the era of good  music ( 1960's, 70's and 80's) is now gone, and I have proven as well that I can take whatever life throws at me.

“The easiest rights to lose are the ones you don’t know you have.”

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