Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter Feaster.

So yesterday for Easter my hubby hid those little foil-wrapped chocolate eggs all around the house(I hope Buddy doesn't find; chocolate is toxic to dogs!) for the kids to find only my fat ass kept eating them when I'd find them before the kids even woke up but it turned out it hardly mattered anyway because there were still tons left and then they never even bothered to look anyway and now they're still all over, many in plain view, that they just walk by. He also did a scavenger hunt(some of the remote kids also joined in via video) where he'd leave clues all over, one clue leading to the next until they found the big prize at the end; their big Easter chocolate(they also got a 3 pack of Cadbury Creme eggs) only he messed-up on the last clue and did something or other wrong so they went to the wrong place and nothing was there( duh!) and it was ruined so he had to start over. We also had our big Easter Feaster  dinner in the dining room and preparing the table the Christmas tablecloth finally got taken off and put away but my mother and I ate separately together in the kitchen away from them though as they never behave and ruin dinner for us, being uncultured losers and acting like Neanderthals,  and yesterday her and I used the good china but they had paper plates, too lazy to load their dishes into the dishwasher afterwards, and threw dinner rolls across the room, and picked up their slices of ham and turkey and ate it with their hands instead of using utensils(they get that from my hubby, NOT from me!), etc. stuff like that. I also wonder if I'm the only one that likes to eat the Cadbury Creme eggs scooping out the ooey gooey inside with a tiny spoon instead of just biting it and eating it or are there others just like me,too?

This morning taking Buddy for his morning walk I also saw a roadkill on our street and at first I thought it looked like it might have been a cat but when I got up closer I could see that it was a rabbit. Peter Rabbit! Oh, y God! The Easter Bunny  got run over and killed! There was also a raven picking apart at it eating it too and it was so gross, pulling the insides upwards and gobbling them up, all slimy,stringy, and sinewy, and they always start at the mouth/face first for some reason too, so maybe that's where the meat is more tender? I just stood there staring at it for awhile,transfixed, grossed-out yet at the same time fascinated at the cycle of life, and it was already dead, and the raven has to eat and it cleans up the mess on the road so it's a win-win and really no different than when we eat chicken, pork, or beef; it's eating dead animal carcas, although we do cook it first, to make it more appetizing....It's funny too yesterday they played Frosty The Snowman on my mother's radio station even though it was Easter; it was a Jesus Day but the wrong one; right guy; wrong holiday, and I like it when my hubby's busy too and can't watch the nightly news as I can just mute the redneck sports but when he's there I have to put on my headphones to drown it out. He thinks  complicate things when it's really the other way around!

I also heard somewhere a university called SFU and I just about died laughing SFU  Shut The F*ck Up!  it was the funniest thing I've heard in awhile, and I over-heard the 26 YR say, If you want a prostitute, buy her. If you want a Queen, earn her. and I think it's funny with the Berenstain Bears  too with names like Brother Bear and Sister Bear makes it sound like they're in some sort of cult, and wouldn't it be just wonderful  as well if I could spend the rest of my life living on a sailboat in the Caribbean? Everyone can see me drifting farther and farther away too and everyone sees me sinking farther and farther down but no one tosses me a life raft. They just watch me drown.

Organzied Crime. Better than disorganized crime.

Rolling on the floor laughing
Zany face


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