Friday, April 23, 2021

Excuse Me!

Excuuuse me! I'm just sooooo sick and tired of everyone hating me and blaming me for being what I am and for what I can't help being; for being bipolar, for being on the Spectrum, for having depression, for having Social Phobia, for being an introvert, being socially awkward, for not being a "joiner", for not picking up on social clues, for not knowing how what to say in conversations, for preferring to observe from a distance than rather having to mingle and inter-act, for avoiding people and preferring to be alone, for preferring to go off by myself somewhere than be with company, for liking to be alone and to be left alone, for not "socializing", for liking to stay home, for not being outgoing and friendly, for keeping to myself, for preferring to work by myself than in a group, for disappearing off into my own little world, for being different, for "marching to the beat of my own drum", for feeling awkward around strangers, for over-the-top anxiety, for the need of constant reassurance, for repetiveness, for social gaffes, for outbursts and extreme emotions, for needing so much help with everything, for being so needy and dependent, for being so dumb, for being a burden, for being annoying, for not being able to do math, talk on the phone, do banking, taxes, drive, etc. 
For being me.😢

My hubby also tried to embarrass me and make me look stupid in front of the 26 YR old too by telling him that I'm so dumb I don't know how to do IncomeTax  only it backfired and didn't work because he replied that it's too complicated for him,too, and it is! Alot  of people struggle with it, don't understand it, know how to do it and need help. If it was easy then companies like H&R Block  would be out of business! We're having our first BBQ of the season today too. Not usually until May but the 17 YR old wanted to be here and have one before she leaves soon for her 4 month-long adventure so we're doing it early and today's supposed to be nice; 13 C and sunny, and someone told me that the Academy Awards are on this weekend too and my reply was Who cares?  I also heard a "clink!" sound on the rec-room floor and looked down and it was one of Buddy's teeth; a molar that was all rotted and had fallen out! Ewww!!

It's also hard to impress me but this sure did: I found out that a whale's dick is 10 feet long! No joke! Seriously! I was impressed with an elephant dick being 6 feet long...but 10 feet? Oh, my GOD! That's  just crazy! That's longer than a human is tall! That's just really really impressive and can you just imagine the amount of jizz that sucker would blow? I bet it would fill our pool! No wonder whales emit those high-pitched squealing sounds!!!! Yesterday and today either my stomach or liver( I can't tell; both in same location) really hurts; it feels like I got kicked in the stomach by a horse and it feels like it's going to explode, and even the heating pad didn't help and I have this bad headache,too. I also wonder too since with my gastro issues and pill I take for it my body can't absorb B12 then how will it be able to absorb the B12 supplement either, and now this country is suspending all flights from India and Pakistan to "keep Coronavirus out" and label the new strain the "India " variant too which only stokes hate and racism, such as calling Corona the "China" virus sparking violence against Asians, and I have to go to the bank today too to take care of stuff and I'm going to feel really self-conscious wearing a mask to the bank, like I'm a bank robber, and nowadays how will they know the difference?

All we are is dust in the wind. -Kansas


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