Friday, April 30, 2021

Fly Away.

Well, the day has finally come. Today the 17 YR old(soon-to-be 18, on 9 May) leaves to embark on her 4 month long journey and adventure. Today she will fly away on her own and I won't see her again until the end of summer, assuming, of course, that she even deicdes to come  back and doesn't decide to just stay in Vancouver and move there full-time, but she better not, since she has my suitcase she has to return! The airline better not damage it,either because I paid 200$ for it! My mother also suggested she should take out travel insurance since she'll be out of province for a few months and the health coverage is provincial but she scoffed and just blew it off and my hubby insisted it covers the entire country even though it doesn't; health care is provincial and when she said it also covers lost or damaged luggage she shrugged Who cares? and I replied,  care because it's my luggage! I'm really going to miss her,too, but I won't cry( or at least not in front of her) because I'm going to be strong( never let them see you cry), and I asked her since I won't see her again until the end of August and as a combination Mother's Day gift(she won't be here for) and in case I die before she returns if she'll let me at least give her a hug goodbye but she still refused and it broke my heart. 😢 All I've ever done is love her with all my heart but that wasn't enough and she still rejects it.

I don't have too much to post today so instead I added a bunch of other random memes for your amusement but I did have chili the other day, despite my IBS and knowing I'm not supposed to have beans but it just smelled sooooo good and it's been so long so I gave in and ate it.....but then I really, really regretted it the next day. Ugh. 

I also had Butter Chicken the other day(my fave.) so if that had been my last day alive I would have at least died happy; with a smile on my face and a happy tummy and if I ever had to request a Last Meal like the prisoners on Death Row I'd ask for Butter Chicken and chocolate mousse.

I also wasn't able to nap much yesterday because Buddy, who was laying beside me, kept licking his balls and the loud slurping sound was really annoying and distracting. He also has alot of bruising on his underbelly and groin area too and it makes me wonder if the 14 YR old maybe kicks him or something when I'm not looking because he is mean like that...

I also figured that visionairies ahead of their time are called Conspiracy Theorists until the Truth is finally revealed, and I saw somewhere about the Scamdemic too the variant in India they're hyping to be so lethal that the media is actually using old news coverage of the gas leak from before and passing it off as Corona patients and deaths and I also saw photos where the same "crisis actor" was seen in several disaster photos that had been staged as well and burial photos where it was the same photo re-created with names of locations switched. It's all just an illusion; maya, and things are NOT as they seem. They're just tricking you into thinking it's way worse than it actually is to scare you into blind, unthinking, unquestionable submission and obedience.

We are all just prisoners here, of our own device" -The Eagles, "Hotel California"


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