Saturday, April 17, 2021

Funky Harem Pants.

I ordered these funky Harem pants jumper last night. It's just sooo funky, so BoHo, so Hippie, so cool, so awesome, so me! It also reminds me of one I had before but I lost in the fire (I lost all  of my clothes; I lost all of my stuff, everything, other than the clothes on my back, and I can still remember it too; I was wearing a mis-matched long orange knee-length T-shirt and olive green "Longjohn"-style track pants as my PJ as it was 11pm at night and I was barefoot,)because the fire started in my room . It was in May 1996 and even with my bad memory I can still clearly remember it, every single little detail of it, like it was yesterday. It will forever be imprinted into my mind, burned into my memory. It was a horrifying experience and we barely made it out alive. I also had PTSD for a year due to it. This will match nicely with my new bright orange Chuck Taylor hi-tops shoes and I'll wear a T-shirt underneath for modesty too because I'm not a 'ho,  and last night a loud crashing noise woke up both Buddy and I in the middle of the night and it sounded like something fell off the wall but I turned on the lights and I didn't see anything,and the night before my abdomenal pain was so bad it woke me up,too!

The things my father also taught me are: Men drink, cheat,and abandon you, and things my mother taught me are: Plan ahead, leave early, and be organized, and things life taught me: Trust no one, it's always the one you least expect, and to hope for the best but expect the worst, and I came across a genetic condition too called Ehlers- Danlos  Syndrome I wonder if I might even have as I have the typical hyper-flexibility in my joints, such as being able to bend my thumb all the way back to my wrist and being able to twist and contort my fingers, toes legs etc into weird "pretzels" and I have the "stretchy" skin,too, so maybe, and here all this time I just thought I was flexible(and it really came in handy doing gymnastics as a kid) but there might be a reason, and I can't figure out either why the BBQ lighter has to have an added child-proof lock on it when the candle lighter doesn't and they're basically the same thing and the same design, and it's hard for me to manipulate with my Rheumatoid Arthritis, and my hubby disagreed when I said 4 HRS is a short flight; he says a 45 min one is, but when you're typically used to 9-12 HR flights 4 HRS is  short in comparison though; it's all about perspective!

Yesterday the Fascist gov't tyrants announced even more stricter "pandemic" lockdowns and restrictions: now we have a stay-at-home order and can't even leave our homes and the police can now stop motorists and pedestrians if they see them out in the streets and ask why they're out, where they live and where they're going etc, like the Gestapo asking Show me your papers!  and that's just really chilling  but I don't care and I still take Buddy out for his walks away; f*ck that,and this morning when we were out there was nobody out there and it was eerily quiet and still, like an abandoned ghost town, it was apocalyptic; the only sounds were birds, they even shut down parks too so where do they expect kids to play, esp. if they live in apartments, and they now limit houses of worship to only 10 people too, and that's just ONE Catholic family, so people will just have to worship underground like everything else incl. haircuts and other social gatherings and activities, like the Underground during WWII as people will always still find a way to be free and evade oppressive restrictions,  and my hubby sneered to me I should 'like' it because it's like Russia  only it's NOT; I told him this is Fascism, NOT Communism,it's like Nazi Germany and if it was Communism then workers would be getting paid sick leave!

My family taunts me I'm a Karen  and entitled  too because I scoff at the restrictions, mandates, lockdowns, and am anti-mask and anti-vaccine but I'm NOT; I'm just not a Sheeple; I have my own mind and I think for myself and won't be indoctrinated and brainwashed by the State propaganda and blindly mindlessly follow the herd and I happen to value and defend freedom and rights and stand up to gov't abuse of them. They try and "reassure" people the vaccines are safe too as "only 6" people had blood-clots as side-effects so they downplay it as only a small risk and it's safe.....yet the death rate of the virus  is next-to-nothing too; just 1% and yet they play it up and scare the hell out of people and act like it's Ebola that has an over 90% death rate, trying to scare them into submission and compliance.....and sadly it's working.
 It works both ways.
1% is very, very, very very  low. It means that out of 100 people that get infected 99 will survive. Only 1 will die. I'd say those are some pretty GOOD odds.
The worst thing about the pandemic too is how it scares everyone not only into conformity and blind unquestioning obedience and compliance, but it also makes them scared to go outside, scared of eachother, scared of getting sick, scared of dying, scared of living, scared of disobeying the rules, scared of getting caught, just living in fear, and.... scared. It's also divided everyone against one another, an Us VS Them  mentality, and singling out,shaming, and ostracizing those of us that won't comply or allow ourselves to be brainwashed, who think for ourselves, do our own thing, and won't be coerced, and what I miss the most is travelling, live music concerts and being able to eat in a restaurant.  I can remember one of my first acts of "rebellion" too: the Trillium flower(the symbol of Ontario) is illegal to pick and I knew that so one time on a hike in the woods at camp when I was around 8 or 9 I came across some and I picked one just because, the rebel in me just had to( ha,ha) and what are they going to do,afterall, arrest me; I was a kid! I've been Sticking It To The Man for as long as I can remember! 😂

Being alone is OK. Being lonely is hard.


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