Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Happy 420!

Happy 420! Today is the official day to celebrate and observe all things marijuana so celebrate accordingly! I'm going to celebrate the same way I do every day, by lighting one up!  I laugh now when I look back to a time when I was so naive and had absolutely no idea what 420 even was and I kept seeing everyone posting about it all over Facebook  and I had to ask and now here I am, all these years later, a Cannabis enthusiast myself, once I found out the amazing benefits of medical marijuana and how it eliminated my daily blinding migraines and also eases my anxiety and stress, helps me sleep and relieves my other acute pain when nothing else works and unlike other drugs, being a natural herb it doesn't have any of those nasty side-effects,either, and if I get lucky I can have some pretty nice  side-effects although that's quite rare but I notice it does help me to let go of all the little things that used to  get me all wound up and upset and now I just let it go and don't give a shit anymore and my stress level has gone way down. It has made me much calmer and relaxed and that's a good thing. How symbolic it would be too if I died today...

I had my blood work done as well and as always my liver enzymes are high; 145 when the normal range is 35-120 and one of the technicians had this really cool "sleeve" tattoo and I complimented her on it and asked her how long it took and she said 10 months and over a period of many sessions( obviously) 4-5 hours at a time and I bet that cost a fortune, and my friend L ( from the old church) also has one,too, and 2 of my friends also got the Corona vaccine and I'm not against it per se( even though I'm not getting it myself) but what I am against is forced  vaccination which we all know is likely what's coming soon and my friend T (from Ottawa) was even being pressured by other friends on his Facebook  to block  me too because I'm skeptical of it and he said we've been friends for over 30 years but the peer pressure sadly reminds me of the bullies in school ganging up on me and even as adults I reconnected with an old school friend A from grade 8 and he added me as a friend on Facebook but once one of the bullies (who also happened to be on his Friends list!) saw my name there she freaked out and pressured him to delete it and to block me.....and he did. It really hurt me too that they still have that power and that she still hasn't changed; she's some hotshot lawyer now but she's still a mean bitch, and if T dropped me as a friend I would be just heartbroken as I really value him as a friend. I think you can respectfully disagree and still be friends and it's really immature to dump people like that. People have feelings, you know.
The new gov't budget also promises 10$/day childcare but refuses to give workers paid sick leave which is desperately needed, esp. now, so now they go to work sick because they can't afford to miss the pay, and people should be raising their own  kids,anyway and NOT farming them off to the State to raise( why even have  them otherwise if you're not even going to look after them?) and I'm not going to pay taxes to raise other people's kids, and I saw on the TV it said There can never be too much sports and I was like, Uh, yeah, there can be, and as far as I'm concerned, even a little bit is still too much!  and yesterday I had a nap outside in the backyard too, snuggled up next to Buddy on cushions and a quilt on the porch, remininding me of happy childhood memories and I love sleeping outside and then a cold breeze woke me up and it was time to go inside and I also picked the first dandilion of the season off our lawn too. WELCOME TO HELL.

Recently I also noticed Buddy's dog foods have been disappearing and today I found some in the recyclyling box out on the veranda and guess whose job it is to put out the recycling? The 14 YR old, so my guess is that he's been throwing them out on purpose just to piss me off and also my stuff mysteriously goes missing as well from the groceries such as the cake for my breakfast(I couldn't find it this morning and it turned out it was well-hidden way in the bottom of a bag underneath 5 bags of buns way at the bottom and not in the fridge where it should have been) and this sort of thing happens alot,too, yet only with my stuff and Buddy's food, so I'm thinking the 14 YR old sabotages it on purpose and it's his job as well to carry the groceries in from the car....I always suspected he was the one who threw out my Christmas present I got last year from the 26 YR old,too. There's something really wrong with that kid, as in disturbed, yet my mother and hubby refuse to believe me and say I just "pick" on him by saying so but it really concerns me.

My mother also always cooks separate meals for my hubby because he's picky yet she won't cook for me and yesterday she even ate what I was supposed to have for my lunch and her excuse was, You're all grown up; you can get something yourself!  and I told her, So is he and her reply is he works and I reminded her that even so  still contribute twice as much  financially than he does(but it never gets acknowledged or appreciated) and for all the $$$$ he's supposed to be making we're  not seeing  much of it(I have no idea where it goes; is he giving it to someone else or just hogging it all for himself?), and I hate it too and it really hurts how she likes him more  than she's ever liked me and it's more like he's her son than I'm her daughter and she's always taking his "side" too and never mine and they always stick together and gang-up on me and and most likely because he appeases her; he's scared of her and won't stand up to her and when she says jump! he asks How high? and always does what she says and she always has to control people and she always has and she hates it she can't control me and never has because I've always had my own mind and think for myself and do my own thing and have an independent mind. But I guess since she pays for practically everything he just goes along with whatever she says and sucks up to her. She has him by the balls!

Everybody just wants to be free.


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