Monday, April 26, 2021

Miss Daisy.

This is Miss Daisy, a Gerbera Daisy I got the other day. I keep it in the window in the kitchen in the sun and the orange colour evokes happy childhood memories. It also reminds me of similar-looking Zinneas that my aunt used to have in her front garden when I was little and the orange ones were my fave.At this point I'm not quite sure yet if I'm going to plant it outside later or if I'll just keep it inside to enjoy. Yesterday I was major freaking-out as well: I got locked out of my e-mail and for some reason the password didn't save( normally it does) and I forgot the password( even though I do have it written down, it didn't work and said it was wrong) and I kept trying every password I could ever remember using but it kept rejecting them all and I was frantic, not only being locked out of my own e-mail but even more so because that's where I have my 10% discount code for when I order my next medical marijuana in May and if I can't get into my e-mail I have no way to access it and I' both poor and cheap( a bad combination!) and I want my discount so this went on for some 2 HRS or more( at least!) and the e-mail it sent my "recovery" password to was my old Sympatico  e-mail address that I haven't used since something like the 90's and is long invalid so I was freaking-out biiiiig time and I eventually had to end up creating a new account so I'd at least have an e-mail account, but that still didn't solve the problem of how I'd access my old account and get my discount code so I tried once again my original password and for some reason this time it worked I don't know WTF but I'm just sooooo relieved that I finally got back in,and at least this way I have another account and another way to be contacted I guess, as well as as a "backup" in case something happens to the original account again, plus it also comes in handy too in case I ever have to create a "phantom" identity elsewhere to spy on someone! 😄 Really, though, why do I always  have such bad luck with everything all the time though? Seriously I think I must be cursed!

Yesterday the Earth was also sending me vibes it was going to rain and it did, and my mother aksed, have you been smoking weed?  and today one of the kids(#6) turns 25, and I wonder how you can tell if you're "called" and "chosen" or if you're just simply a crackpot, although I guess the answer is in just having asked the question, and the 17 YR old leaves for her 4 month adventure on Friday and the 26 YR old jokes(yet also half-serious at the same time because it's also true) that the 17 and 19 YR olds are soclose like twins that they'll be those old spinster sisters that live together for their entire lives and even get surgery so they can be conjoined twins(ha,ha) and I want to get coconut oil to moisturize my skin,too, but the virgin or extra-virgin one; none of that "slutty" stuff for me, ha,ha, and freedom is being able to go where you want when you want,too; no travel restrictions or restrictions on social gatherings, places of worship,protests,assembly, etc. being able to come and go freely without being stopped, questioned or detained by the authorities, exactly the opposite  of the Police State tyranny we have now. Think about it.

Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were big things.- Kurt Vonnegut


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