Monday, April 12, 2021

Spring Has Sprung.

Spring has sprung! It's officially spring now as the first of our flowers have bloomed already, the earliest ever! Our tulips and daffodils are already up, as seen in the photo here. These came from our front garden so I plucked some and put them indoors because alot of them at the front tend to go missing; some f*cker always picks/steals them every year so at least if I pick some and bring them indoors we have some. I remember one of my aunts used to have this nice garden in her yard but would never bring flowers inside as she hated the ants that came with it but I love flowers in the house as they're just so cheery, so beautiful, so happy and they bring joy and brighten everything up and just make it so cheery plus emit a sweet scent that fills the house. Another sign of spring too is I took my socks off and now go around barefoot(although just in the house, not outside yet) and painted my toenails( there's no point in the winter when I wear socks and my feet are always covered up and you can't see it) and sadly it also mean the dandilions are back again too even though not usually until May but it's been really mild early this year(although this week's cooler like 10 C and feels like fall today) so everything's blooming earlier. It's also raining all this week too, the one thing I don't like about spring. Ugh.

Yesterday next-door also had this huge bonfire raging in their yard and they were dancing around it and chanting like some occult ritual and the ironic thing is if anyone had called the cops(they never did) they'd be more upset at the large social gathering than about them defying the open burning ban and on the news interviewing some official they said that vaccines aren't mandatory yet, insinuating that they will be or may be later which is chilling and even so I still won't comply; there's no way I'm going to allow someone to inject some new, relatively unstudied poison into my body I'm skeptical of and don't trust and that likely has some gov't agenda behind it and if we'll eventually need vaccine "passports" to travel, buy goods, etc. Show me your papers!  I'll just get a fake one online somehow; there's always a way. There are also increasing peaceful anti-mask, anti-curfew, anti-lockdown protests all over the country now as well that police violently break up, beating up and arresting people so now we're not even allowed to protest  the oppressive Police State either  and anyone who says this isn't a Fascist Big Brother tyranny is either blind or stupid(or BOTH!) and needs to open their eyes and wake up!

I still have the baaad stomach, abdomenal and back pain, now day 3 and I often feel a tight squeezing, tightening, and burning in my chest too like I'm squeezed for air, like I did during our fire with the smoke inhalation, and I saw a commercial for a truck that said it can withstand 14 thousand pounds so it could withstand the weight of my big fat hippo ass ok, unlike those 2 wooden chairs I broke, ha ha, and the 14 YR old calls boobs Mommy Milkers, too, and I read an American reply the reason USA doesn't convert to Metric like the rest of the world is because they like to measure their dicks in inches and not centimetres as it makes it seem bigger! When I mentioned I was surprised about the volcano in St. Vincent( where I have been) my hubby replied that there are lots of volcanoes in the Ring Of Fire.... and (after I stopped laughing) I told him that that's actually in the Pacific Ocean, in Hawaii , and then he goes, yeah... and the Caribbean is in the Pacific too....
Only it's NOT. It never has been.
It's in the Atlantic.(waaay across the other side of the world)
It always has been.
...and he thinks that I'm  the dumb one? 😁

I also feel redundant now the kids are older and most have moved away as I've always identified as a homeschooling mother and now I don't know what  to identify as anymore. Who am I? What do I do now? Where do I go from here? What is my purpose now? The 14 YR old asked me as well how much Buddy is worth and I got him for free from the son of an ex-friend but my hubby made me pay him 2000$ as a "fine" to "allow" me to keep a dog, otherwise he'd just open the door and throw him out onto the street, but he was worth every penny, and more. You can't put a price on love,and my mother snarked that he's Not worth anything and No one would buy him and I got so mad and it broke my heart;he's worth everything  to me, I wouldn't sell him for all the $$$ in the world!  To me he's priceless! He's the best thing in my life and to ever happen to me, and I've had other dogs die before, such as one of my Chihuahuas that died having her puppies, our Pug that died in the fire, another Pug that died in a heatwave, etc. and although it was sad and I did grieve, it's not the same as with Buddy as he's also my soul-mate and with them I also had other things in my life to keep me going but Buddy is all I have, and he is what keeps me going and why I keep holding on and with him gone I'd have nothing left and no reason to live anymore, and when I die it's not like anyone will care or miss me,anyway; at the most maybe a couple of people( perhaps the oldest and the 26 YR old?) might be a bit  sad, but that's it, the others either won't care, be indifferent, or even be glad, esp. my hubby, mother, and the 24 YR old and the 19 YR old.I know they'll be OK and probably even better off, so it's not like anyone will be upset or anything. Buddy's the only one that loves me anyway and he'll already be gone.

My life is based on true events.


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