Thursday, April 15, 2021

The Robin's Egg.

Yesterday during one of Buddy's walks I found this robin's egg on our grass! Luckily I didn't step on it, and I gently picked it up and wartmed it in my hand and put it high up in one of our hanging plants on the veranda where I hope and assume the mother bird will find it by scent and build a nest there and where it's also nice and snug and warm and sheltered in the meantime and safe from predators. When I showed the kids they thought it was one of those candied Easter eggs! It was soooo foggy yesterday morning too it was worse than London and it was nice and warm as well and I got a sunburn but today is cold and rainy and 6 C it feels like fall. My new shoes arrived yesterday as well and I had a dream I was in Heaven wearing a long flowing white gauze blouse and skirt and my new bright orange Converse Chuck Taylor Hi-Tops!  The next-door neighbours were out in their yard with company smoking weed as well so for once someone else was smoking weed outside and it wasn't me!

I also got a call from my medical marijuana supplier and they said since I re-newed I get a 10% discount on my next order and because I'm poor I can also get a 20% ongoing discount but I have to send them proof such as my Income Tax statement, and I don't understand how cryptocurrency works either I'm too dumb but I'm also too poor to ever have to be in a situation where I'd ever have  to know anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter, and when I told my hubby the thing I hate about really intelligent people(like him) is that they're so arrogant and condescending, talking down to others and think they're better than everyone else and he explained it as he Can't 'tolerate' stupidity. And there you have it. I also heard someone refer to USA as Universal Shit Agitator  and I don't think I ever laughed so hard in my life. 

In an ad for a local farm supply store they also said they have baby chicks available so that's when you really know that you live out in the country, and my hubby said that IM Eric Rosen is married and the kids didn't believe it  so I Googled  it and it said he has 4 kids and 4 grandkids.....WTF? I'm pretty sure they must be referring to some other Eric Rosen because he's only 27 years old!  HA! I think too the most "likely" time I'd die would be May,too as most of the bad things seem to happen in our family in May, and another cop shot and killed an innocent Black guy again too this time excusing she somehow "accidently" grabbed her gun instead of her taser.....really? How exactly can you confuse a gun for a taser? For one thing they look and feel completely different and she's been a cop for 26 years too; it's not like she's new....then the police wonder why the public doesn't trust them? Gee....I wonder why? They also closed the schools down in the province here now until the end of the school year due to the "pandemic" and they say even if you had the vaccine to still wear a mask anyway, so do the vaccines NOT work as well as they say, or are the mandatory masks just really all about controlling the masses, compliance, conformity, obedience, silencing, social conditioning, and tyranny...

How do I know if I should stop always settling in life or if I should just learn to be happy with less?


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