Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Thoughts For Tuesday.

How about a new country?

It's funny because it's true! I've leaned over him sleeping thinking " I could smother the f*cker in his sleep right now...."

This is the cartoon my Mormon friend thought was "cute" not realizing it was a Cannabis plant! 😝

F*ck you too or F*ck you squared......either way.....

That's so funny because I actually DO call my hubby a "tool!"

My hubby, esp. being colour blind! HA!

Let your Freak Flag fly!

I've posted this before but it needs repeating.

My baby is 15!

Abortion comes to mind here...

What were we thinking?

Sadly, I'm actually fatter  than this pig!

We were warriors.


Everyone else can kiss my ass!

Sound familiar today?

My dog.💓


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