Thursday, April 8, 2021


It's been so nice and warm and sunny out lately I've been able to sit outside in the sun I already have a suntan.....and an sunburned face! (Please excuse the extreme ugly  of my face in the photo but that can't be helped and I always look like a dude  and sometimes I even wonder if my DNA somehow got f*cked-up and maybe I was supposed  to be a guy with my masculine features but somehow ended up female?) but I think I must have some skin condition too though as the colour goes so blotchy and uneven, with patches of brown, red, and white, all blotchy, like melasma or vitiligo or something, almost as if I got spray-painted or spackled or something but I didn't even put any suntan oil or anything on; I just sat out in the sun! Parts on my forehead are even peeling now too and I feel like snake shedding it's skin and there are soft fresh pink spots underneath.Ewwww! That reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd always get these really bad sunburns esp. on my nose, back and shoulders that would always blister and peel. Today it's even supposed to get up to a glorious 21 C (the record is 23C) and yesterday when I asked the GoogleHome device what the weather was and it told me 19C I loudly exclaimned NICE!! and then it replied back, In Nice  today it will be a high of 16 C ! HA! I cracked up laughing my ass off! In case you are geographically challenged and didn't know, Nice is a city in France! Yesterday I also saw either an eagle or a falcon( it was too far up to see the details to be able to see the colour to be able to distinguish the difference it was too far away) but I could tell by the size and the wing span it was either one or the other and 2 CF-18 Hornet fighter jets fly above our house too while I was sitting out the back.

Yesterday Buddy's sore on his face only bled twice and it was only a little bit so that's an improvement and yesterday as I was trying to nap he barked to wake me up to massage his sore arthritic hip because it was hurting him again, and it occurred to me as well if he is my Eternal Companion, my Spirit Guide or my Guardian Angel that has come down in dog form here to strengthen me and to give me love,support, and companship to keep me going until the Final Act  and my story ends then I won't have to worry about him dying before me and losing him or me dying before him and leaving him behind as until I die his mission won't be over so he has to stay alive as long as I do and once I die his job is over and he can go back,too, so hopefully we really will be able to die together and continue on in our journey side-by-side for all eternity. I have such a strong spiritual connection to him like I've never had or felt with anyone else,such a close bond, and we can't let eachother go. For awhile I even thought of taxidermy for him too if he does die before me as I'd always have him with me and still be able to hold him and pet him and cuddle him but then decided against it as not only is it macabre but it would probably make me even more sad as it would be a reminder that he's dead; a cold hard lifeless body with no light in it's eyes anymore, and that maybe just the happy memory of who he was when he was alive would be better. 💔

Today my hubby is also dropping off the car for an oil change and also to get the winter tires removed and the regualr ones put back on as we think and hope it should be safe and not snow any more(or at least not enough to be an issue) and my fat ass broke yet another wooden chair again too so I guess there's a weight limit and canit withstand or withold the weight of a  hippo and it seems to me that most people generally either love or hate the country they were born in; that there's no in-between and in my case I hate it, and today starts the month-long State of Emergency Stay-At-Home order too, living under a tyrannical oppressive Police State and the line-up in the grocery store was so long the other day too it was like in some war-torn povery-stricken Third World country where you have to wait in long lines just to get basic essential goods, and due to it the 17 YR old can no longer go to Ottawa and London to visit her sisters like she was  planning either but can still go to Vancouver to visit other sisters as it's in BC which is in another province  and the lockdown is just for Ontario. I absolutely HATE it how Big Brother  is ruining this for her,and ruining everything for everyone and I don't want to live like this and want our rights and freedoms back and life back to the way it used to be where we could come and go as we pleased and had freedom of mobility, association, assembly,worship, protest, and could travel, visit and shop and dine whenever and wherever we wanted and didn't have any lockdowns, curfews, mandates, restrictions, forced to wear maks and be silenced,muzzled and forced to conform and comply,live under Martial Law, etc. I wonder too why they're always so insistant on everyone getting tested for Coronavirus too, even asymtomatic ones; my guess is they probably just want to get everyone's DNA on file or something...People laugh and jeer and think it's a "Conspiricy Theory" etc.(even my own family!) but remember that people laughed at Noah too until it started to rain....

Set me free so I can fly.

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