Sunday, May 23, 2021


We had a BBQ yesterday to kick off the long holiday weekend!(Victoria Day) My mother always obsesses about the BBQ and for her everything always has to be exactly perfect and just so and she goes on and on about it for days and really obsesses  over it and this time really had her knickers in a twist as it was forecasted to rain and even storm for 2 out of the 3 days and she was really freaking out and she insited on having it on Saturday no matter what and I said it didn't matter; as long as one  of the 3 days didn't rain we can just do it on that day ;it doesn't matter which day it is, just switch it around but she was having none of it and insisted it had to be yesterday, no substitutions, no changing it, no switching around, she was even having my hubby standing out there in a thunderstorm with an umbrella if need be, by God, we were having that BBQ Saturday no matter what but luckily we never did get the rain or the storm(just cloudy at times)so we were OK and he was able to do it for lunch yesterday afterall. I didn't really care either way which day we had it as long as we were able to sometime over the holiday weekend. Buddy loves it too and always sits there beside it licking his chops hoping something falls off the grill he gets to eat which usually does occur. The BBQ wasn't the only  thing smoking or lit,either( as seen in the photo below) and I was able to smoke weed without a hassle as the smell 'blended" in with the acrid-smoky smell of the BBQ smoke! HA!
Light one up!

Yesterday as I was sitting outside a Bluejay also came up and visited me and I'm starting to feel like Snow White now having the birds coming up to visit me, and I'll be planting my sunflowers today for the season as well and pray those damn squirrels don't dig up and eat my seeds, the little f*ckers, and I was suntanning topless again(because it's so hot, but I also have to admit it's so "freeing",too) and now my belly is all sunburned(ouch!) and my kidneys must really be failing now too as I'm hardly peeing much and the smell is really really bad and really strong and smells like either pole-cat piss or rotten lobster and my mind is getting worse too as I was telling my mother about a character in a TV show named Marjorie but I got mixed-up and forget her name and referred to her as Lorraine instead and wondered why my mother was looking at me confused and kind of funny and had no idea who I was talking about...yet I still do remember my first hickey though, when I was 3; a neighbour kid and I discovered we could not only make cool "suction" marks on our own arms but also all over eachother's backs as well. Our mothers were NOT pleased. How come I can rememeber stuff like that  but not more relevant stuff?

I don’t think Canada could get much more dystopian- Jay Nelson


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