Friday, May 7, 2021

Child Sacrifice.

I had a revelation yesterday and it was chilling: in the Ancient Times pagans used to sacrifice their children to appease false gods such as Baal and Molech but nowadays in the modern world and modern times parents now still sacrifice their kids only in other ways: to abortion, pedophilia, child porn, sex trafficking,child labour( mining Blood Diamonds in Sierra Leonne or working in sweatshops in Bangladesh, for example) and to the State,too: for the State to raise(daycare) to educate(Public schools) and now also to aggressively pushed State  vaccinations and such sins must be called to account and this surely must mean that Judgement Day  is near; God must be furious, entrusting children to parents and they just throw it all away and don't bother to take the time and effort to even raise or educate them themselves and subject them to sinful outside influences and abuses but at least I can say in good conscience that I did my best to try and raise my kids godly. They've turned away from it but at least I did my part and raised and homeschooled my kids,brought them up to love and worship Him, kept them away from bad influences and State propaganda and control and when I face God on Judgement Day I can say in all honesty that at least I tried(even if I failed in the end) and endured and was faithful to my vocation in raising godly children, and never would I sacrifice them to false gods, to the world, to sin, to the State, to bad influences, etc.

Yesterday I also picked a tick out of Buddy again like last summer; it was embedded under his skin hidden in his saggy baggy neck wrinkles and I caught my hubby weighing himself on the bathroom scale too which shocked me as I thought it was something only women did and that guys don't generally care about their weight, so who is he trying to impress, a mistress maybe? I also found a wounded robin(hurt wing and bald spot and punture mark on it's back, likely from a cat; f*ck I hate cats!) I rescued but later on when I went to check on it, it had died and it was a big one, too, the size of my hand, and I noticed as well on the box my vibrator came in it said For novelty use only. Well, what else do they think it's used for; sticking it to your forehead and saying you're a unicorn, or what?

One of my cousins in Europe also said the funniest thing the other day that made me laugh so much I almost peed my pants: She had said what she remembers most about her grandmother(my Great-aunt) is warm milk,nightly news, and bongs before bed. Whaaaat? My sweet old traditional proper old-fashioned European Aunt A was a pothead? OMG, that's just hilarious! I never would have guessed!! Holy shit! So yesterday when I hit the bong I thought of her and dedicated it to her, in her honour.😆😁
I also came across this: Acromegaly, where a tumour on your pituitary gland causes bone growth in adulthood, causing certain facial features(which I have,enhancing my ugliness!!) and other symptons that I also have, incl. joint pain, fatigue, colon polyps, increase in shoe size(I grew 2 shoe sizes recently!) etc. so I wonder if maybe that's the answer I've been looking for all along that would explain all my symptoms and ailments for these past 3 years or so?

I also saw on the news last night in Quebec 22 people were outdoors playing basketball and the police fined  only the Black people (11K,too!) for "disobeying Social Distancing rules" but NOT the White ones, who got let off with just a warning, so not only is Quebec a Police State they're also racist,too, and in New Zealand vaccines are mandatory by law now and if you refeuse a 4K fine or even jail time,  talk about tyranny and it's interesting in India too how after their mass vaccine roll-out now a high record number are sick and dying and they claim it's Corona but I wonder if it's actually side-effects and reactions from the vaccines instead, but, of course, they'd never admit to, and just say it's the Corona, plus if the vaccines work like they claim they do then how did everyone even get so sick from Corona in the first place,anyway, hmmmmm? It's Mother's Day Sunday too always a hard day for me to get thru as none of the out-of-town/province kids even bother to phone or e-mail me to wish me a Happy Mother's Day even though they do call my mother on her birthday and make home-made cards for my hubby on Father's Day; just not for me and it really hurts, their obvious disregard for me,esp. when I gave my entire adult LIFE for them and to raising them.

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.-Mark Twain.


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