Saturday, May 1, 2021


News! I hope to go to Edmonton sometime this summer for a week or so to visit the Edmonton Boys (pictured here) the oldest and child # 7, assuming, of course, that the Fascist gov't doesn't shut down the airport or something! Yesterday my hubby said he's going up to visit them and asked if I wanted to come along too and I asked him how he's getting there, driving( which takes 3-4 days or flying(which takes 4 hours) and he said flying so I'm all in! There's no way in Hell I could survive 3-4 days in a car with my bad back! I'd end up paralyzed!  I'm just so excited at the thought and I haven't seen the oldest in years!( the 22 YR old came up for Christmas in 2019) I've never been to Edmonton(or even Alberta) before,either( the only other province I've been to is Quebec, which is sort of funny considering I've travelled to 37 other countries!)  and I would just love to go to the West Edmonton Mall too, and unlike here, I will have some freedom too as everything's not all shut down, I can go to a mall, eat at a restaurant, etc. not all under lockdown like it is here, and the same for the 17 YR old in Vancouver visiting 4 months too, at least she can get out and go  places and do things. Speaking of her, she has my suitcase though(and I only have the one, plus a small carry-on) so what am I going to use to pack my shit?.That happened to me before,too; the 26 YR old went away(it was either to California or Belgium, I forgot) and I decided to take off to Cuba and he had borrowed my suitcase so I had to use my mother's old raggedy one and it's navy blue,too, the same as everyone else's coming down the conveyer belt, making it harder to find. I swear I have the worst luck and the worst timing.

My hubby is also off for a week and away for 5 days so that gives me a nice break away from him,too, and I can mute the sports on the nightly TV news, blast my music as loud as I want, smoke as much weed as I want without any hassle and have hot water for my  bath in the morning without him having used it all for his shower and have a towel too without him having taken the last one!This morning is so cold as well -1 C but supposed to go up to 10C and the first sunny day in over a week and it's been cold lately like fall(and some days even more winter!) and lots of rain( ugh!) and yesterday on my mother's radio station they even played a Christmas song! I hit the bong so hard as well and the smoke sesh was so intense I think I also scorched and seared my esophagus!

My friend A( in Ottawa) had his vaccine as well(I bet he'll be sorry) and everyone proudly posting their vaccine Selfies online makes me shake my head too and I imagine them posting the captions: I just got my tracer put in today! I just got microchipped! I got sterilized today! I just got The Mark of The Beast! and at my age I don't have to worry about it sterilizing me or affecting my reproductive organs but I still DO have to be concerned about if possibly affecting my DNA, any adverse side-effects( esp. with it being so new and relatively untested; it was just rushed onto the market quickly) and the ulterior motive actually behind it and anything the gov't pushes so aggressively I simply just don't trust; there's always some agenda... This morning walking Buddy I also had to pick a tick off one of his paws and I had this scary nightmare last night too(that woke me up!) that he's dying and it esp. scares me as it is May, a bad luck month for us where something bad always happens and also the majority of people in our family DO die in May too so there's also that...

"Under the guise of a pandemic, we will create a prison state" -- David Rockefeller.


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